第四篇 借着在基督的升天里生活,作复活里的新造,成为基督的复制和配偶,而打属灵的仗

Fighting the Spiritual Warfare through Living in Christ's Ascension as the New Creation in Resurrection to Become Christ's Duplication and Counterpart



壹 “你的颈项好象大卫建造收藏军器的高楼,其上悬挂一千盾牌,都是勇士的挡牌”─歌四4:

I. "Your neck is like the tower of David, / Built for an armory: / A thousand bucklers hang on it, / All the shields of the mighty men"—S. S. 4:4:

一 头项表征人在神面前意志的降服;主看我们意志的降服是顶美丽的地方。

A. The neck signifies the human will under God; the Lord considers the submission of our will a most beautiful thing.

二 基督佳偶的美丽,乃在于她对基督的服从意志(颈项好象大卫的高楼),这意志富有防卫的能力(盾牌和勇士的挡牌):

B. The lover of Christ is beautiful in having a will that is submissive to Christ (neck like the tower of David) and that is rich in the defending power (bucklers and shields of the mighty men):

1 我们若有服从的意志,就是象山羊群卧在山旁那样降服的意志(1下),我们的意志就要显得象大卫的高楼,收藏各种抵挡攻击的武器。─引用经文

1. If we have a submissive will, a will that has been subdued like a flock of goats on a mountainside (v. 1b), our will is expressed like the tower of David that holds all kinds of weapons against the attacks.

2 基督的佳偶已从她天然的意志里出来,如今站在她复活的意志里抵挡仇敌─弗六11、13。

2. The lover of Christ has come out of her natural will, and now she is standing in her resurrected will against the enemy—Eph. 6:11, 13.

3 我们的意志越降服,我们就越被变化─罗十二2。

3. The more our will is subdued, the more we will be transformed—Rom. 12:2.

4 首先我们的意志必须降服,然后我们的意志才会在复活里刚强,象大卫的高楼,成为属灵争战用的军器库─弗六10:

4. First, our will must be subdued; then it will be strong in resurrection and be like the tower of David, the armory for the spiritual warfare—Eph. 6:10:

a 属灵争战用的武器,都保存在我们降服且复活的意志里─林后十3~5。

a. The weapons for spiritual warfare are kept in our subdued and resurrected will—2 Cor. 10:3-5.

b 保护我们抵挡仇敌之箭的盾牌和挡牌,乃是收藏在寻求主者降服且复活之意志的高楼里。

b. The bucklers and shields that protect us against the arrows of the enemy are kept in the tower of the subdued and resurrected will of the Lord's seeking one.

贰 “我的新妇,求你与我一同从利巴嫩来,与我一同从利巴嫩来,从亚玛拿顶,从示尼珥与黑门顶,从有狮子的洞穴,从有豹子的山岭,来观看”─歌四8:

II. "Come with me from Lebanon, my bride; / With me from Lebanon come. / Look from the top of Amana, / From the top of Senir and Hermon, / From the lions' dens, / From the leopards' mountains"—S. S. 4:8:

一 对基督之死和复活的经历,把寻求者带到祂的升天;如今她是在基督升天的山顶上,活在升天里─弗一20,二5~6。

A. The experience of Christ's death and resurrection has brought the seeking one into His ascension, and now she is on the mountaintop of Christ's ascension and is living in ascension—Eph. 1:20; 2:5-6.

二 基督呼召祂的佳偶在祂的升天里与祂同活,正如祂曾呼召她驻留于祂的十字架一样─歌二14:

B. Christ calls His lover to live with Him in His ascension, as He had called her to remain in His cross—S. S. 2:14:

1 基督要作祂新妇的佳偶,从祂的升天(利巴嫩),就是从真理(亚玛拿)的最高峰,并从基督在争战中得胜的最高峰(示尼珥,意“软的甲胄”,和黑门,意“毁灭”),从仇敌在天上所在的地方(有狮子的洞穴和有豹子的山岭),与祂一同观看─四8。

1. Christ asks His lover as His bride to look with Him from His ascension (Lebanon), the highest place of the truth (Amana) and of Christ's victory in His fighting (Senir, meaning "soft armor, " and Hermon, meaning "destruction") and from the heavenly places of the enemies (the lions' dens and the leopards' mountains)—4:8.

2 当基督的佳偶活在升天里,她与基督就同活在升天的情形里,成为对偶;二者在生命和性情上相同,彼此完全相配。

2. When the lover of Christ is living in ascension, she and Christ are living in one condition, the condition of ascension, to be a couple; they are the same in life and nature, perfectly matching each other.

三 在基督的升天里,有祂的得胜;不再有争战,因为仇敌已经被击败了;我们穿戴软的甲胄,享受我们在基督里的得胜;祷告的地位乃是升天的地位,就是属天的地位─罗八37,弗二6。

C. In Christ's ascension is His victory; there is no more fighting, for the enemy has already been defeated, and we wear soft armor to enjoy our victory in Christ; the position of prayer is ascension, that is, a heavenly position—Rom. 8:37; Eph. 2:6.

叁 基督那得着变化的新妇借着在基督的升天里生活,作复活里的新造,成为园子,作基督私有的享受─歌四12~16。

III. Through her living in Christ's ascension as the new creation in resurrection, Christ's transformed bride becomes a garden for Christ's private enjoyment—S. S. 4:12-16.

肆 当基督得胜的佳偶与神成为一,作神的居所时,她在神眼中就美丽如得撒,秀美如耶路撒冷;然而对仇敌而言,她却威武如展开旌旗的军队─六4、10:

IV. When the overcoming lover of Christ becomes one with God to be God's dwelling place, in the eyes of God she is as beautiful as Tirzah and as lovely as Jerusalem; however, to the enemy she is as terrible as an army with banners—6:4, 10:

一 基督的佳偶在主面前乃是美丽并秀美的,象属天的城那样的坚固,象圣所那样的安静;同时在仇敌和世人的面前,她显出她得胜的荣耀来─4节:

A. The lover of Christ is beautiful and comely before the Lord, as solid as the heavenly city and as serene as the sanctuary; at the same time, she displays the glory of her victory before the enemy and the world—v. 4:

1 军队在争战的时候,最紧要的乃是兵器;但在得胜的时候,最紧要的乃是表征得胜之荣耀的展开的旌旗─出十七15。

1. Weapons are the most important thing to an army in battle, but unfurled banners, signifying the glory of victory, are the most important thing in victory—Exo. 17:15.

2 旌旗指明预备好争战,也是得胜的记号─赛五九19。

2. Banners indicate a readiness to fight and are also a sign that the victory has been won—Isa. 59:19.

二 幔子里的生活,不只是在主面前的生活,也是在仇敌面前的生活─歌六4,来十19,林后三18,弗六10~12:

B. A life within the veil is not only a life before the Lord but also a life before the enemy—S. S. 6:4; Heb. 10:19; 2 Cor. 3:18; Eph. 6:10-12:

1 神从来没有意思要基督的佳偶只有属天的美丽而无争战的性质─林后十一2,十4~6。

1. God has no intention that the lovers of Christ possess the heavenly beauty without possessing a warring nature—2 Cor. 11:2; 10:4-6.

2 基督得胜的佳偶不只有一个充满盼望的前途,也不只有了完全属天的生活,并且还是时常歌唱得胜的凯歌者─歌三7~8。

2. The overcoming lover of Christ not only has a future that is full of hope and a life that is absolutely heavenly, but she also is a victor who constantly triumphs in her victory—S. S. 3:7-8.

三 基督的佳偶应该是可爱的,同时也该是可怕的;但许多信徒在主面前失去了他们的可爱,在仇敌面前也失去了他们的可怕─六4、10。

C. The lovers of Christ should be lovable and terrible at the same time; however, many believers have lost their loveliness before the Lord and their terribleness before the enemy—6:4, 10.

四 神的建造总是一支军队;当我们向着主成为一座城时,我们对仇敌而言就是军队─4节:

D. The building of God is always an army; when we become a city to the Lord, we are an army to the enemy—v. 4:

1 建造绝不能和属灵的争战分开;哪里有建造,哪里就有争战─尼四1~23。

1. Building cannot be separated from spiritual warfare; wherever the building is, there is the battle—Neh. 4:1-23.

2 争战总是伴随着建造,而建造总是带进争战的得胜─太十六18~19。

2. Fighting always accompanies the building, and the building always brings in the victory in the battle—Matt. 16:18-19.

3 这是基督徒生活的总结;寻求基督的佳偶所能达到的最高成就,乃是成为一座城,又是一支军队。

3. This is the consummation of the Christian life; the uttermost completion that the seeking lover of Christ can attain is to be a city as an army.

五 威武的军队,表征主的得胜者使神的仇敌撒但惧怕─歌六4、10:

E. A terrible army signifies that the Lord's overcomers terrify God's enemy, Satan—S. S. 6:4, 10:

1 撒但只怕一种人,就是那些不爱自己魂生命的人─启十二11。

1. Satan is afraid of only one kind of people—those who do not love their soul-life—Rev. 12:11.

2 仇敌惧怕伯特利,神的家─创三五1~5。

2. The enemy is terrified of Bethel, the house of God—Gen. 35:1-5.

3 仇敌惧怕建造成为神城的召会─尼六15~16,诗一〇二12~16。

3. The enemy is frightened by the church that is built up as the city of God—Neh. 6:15-16; Psa. 102:12-16.

4 鬼魔和邪恶的天使惧怕基督在十字架上所创造的一个新人─弗二15~16,西二14~15。

4. The demons and the evil angels are terrified of the one new man created by Christ on the cross—Eph. 2:15-16; Col. 2:14-15.

5 撒但不怕个人的基督徒,即使他们为数成千上万,但他惧怕作基督身体的召会,就是与他和他的国争战的团体战士─弗六10~20。

5. Satan is not afraid of individualistic Christians, even if they number in the thousands, but is terrified of the church as the Body of Christ, the corporate warrior fighting against him and his kingdom—Eph. 6:10-20.

伍 在婚礼之日,基督要迎娶那些多年与神的仇敌争战的人;也就是说,基督要迎娶那已经胜过那恶者的得胜者─启十九7~9、11~16:

V. On the day of His wedding, Christ will marry those who have been fighting the battle against God's enemy for years; that is, Christ will marry the overcomers, who have already overcome the evil one—Rev. 19:7-9, 11-16:

一 当基督来与敌基督和他的军兵争战时,祂乃是作为人子而来,祂这位人子需要一个配偶,好与祂相配,使祂得以完全;这个配偶就是祂的新妇─十四14,十九7~9:

A. When Christ comes to fight against Antichrist and his army, He will come as the Son of Man, and as the Son of Man, He will need a counterpart to match Him and complete Him; this counterpart will be His bride—14:14; 19:7-9:

1 至终,得胜者要团体的成为新妇与基督成为婚配;在他们的婚礼之后,这新妇要成为军队,与她的丈夫基督并肩作战,击败敌基督和他的跟从者─11~16节。

1. Eventually, the overcomers will be a bride collectively to marry Christ; after their wedding, this bride will become an army to fight alongside Christ, her Husband, to defeat Antichrist and his followers—vv. 11-16.

2 当新郎基督看见我们达到成熟,祂就要迎娶新妇,然后同着她来击败敌基督和他的军队,并了结人类的政权─但二34~35、44~45。

2. When Christ, the Bridegroom, sees that we have reached maturity, He will marry the bride and then come with her to defeat Antichrist and his army and to terminate human government—Dan. 2:34-35, 44-45.

二 构成基督新妇的得胜者,要与神的一切仇敌争战,并击败他们─启二7、11、17、26,三5、12、21:

B. The overcomers who constitute the bride of Christ fight the battle against all the enemies of God and defeat them—Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 26; 3:5, 12, 21:

1 得胜者与己─里面的对头并最棘手的敌人─争战,用那灵的剑击杀它,那灵就是神的话─弗六17~18。

1. The overcomers fight against the self—the inward adversary and the most difficult foe—slaying it by the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God—Eph. 6:17-18.

2 得胜者抵抗并击败敌基督的原则和敌基督的特征─约壹二18、22,约贰7,帖后二3~12。

2. The overcomers resist and defeat the principle of antichrist and the characteristics of antichrist—1 John 2:18, 22; 2 John 7; 2 Thes. 2:3-12.

3 得胜者与不同的教训打那美好的仗,以完成神的经纶─提前一3~4,六3~5、12、20~21,提后二3~4。

3. The overcomers war the good warfare against the differing teachings and to carry out God's economy—1 Tim. 1:3-4; 6:3-5, 12, 20-21; 2 Tim. 2:3-4.

4 得胜者所打的仗是生命抵挡死亡的仗,并在生命中作王,胜过死亡─太十六18,提前六19,提后一10,约壹三14,罗五17、21。

4. The overcomers engage in the warfare of life against death and reign in life over death—Matt. 16:18; 1 Tim. 6:19; 2 Tim. 1:10; 1 John 3:14; Rom. 5:17, 21.

5 得胜者征服撒但毁坏的混乱,而在建造的神圣经纶里得胜;他们不是从这当前的混乱里被拯救出来,乃是借着经过过程并终极完成之三一神作全足的恩典,得以征服混乱─提后一9、15,二1、17~18,四22。

5. The overcomers conquer the destructive satanic chaos and triumph in the constructive divine economy; instead of being delivered out of the present chaos, they conquer the chaos by the processed and consummated Triune God as the all-sufficient grace—2 Tim. 1:9, 15; 2:1, 17-18; 4:22.

陆 基督的佳偶在基督生命的成熟里,成为书拉密女,这表征她成为基督的复制和复本,配得过祂,好与祂成为婚配─歌六13,参八13~14,启二二20:

VI. In the maturity of Christ's life, the lover of Christ becomes the Shulammite, signifying that she has become the reproduction and duplication of Christ to match Him for their marriage—S. S. 6:13; cf. 8:13-14; Rev. 22:20:

一 说我们在神的神格上与祂一样,是极大的亵渎,但我们若说,我们无法在生命、性情、彰显和功用上与神一样,乃是不信;圣经一再告诉我们,神要与我们成为一,并使我们与祂成为一─二一2,二二17上,参来四2。

A. To say that we are the same as God in the Godhead is a great blasphemy, but if we say that we cannot be the same as God in life, nature, expression, and function, this is unbelief; the Bible tells us repeatedly that God's intention is to be one with us and to make us one with Him—21:2; 22:17a; cf. Heb. 4:2.

二 书拉密女在神眼中被比作二营军兵或军队(希伯来文,玛哈念)在跳舞;雅各遇见神的众使者,就是神的二营军兵之后,将那地方起名叫玛哈念,并将他的妻子、孩子和他所有的分作“二营军兵”─歌六13,创三二1~2:

B. The Shulammite is likened to the dance of two camps, or two armies (Heb. mahanaim), in the sight of God; after Jacob saw the angels of God, the two armies of God, he named the place where he was Mahanaim and divided his wives, children, and possessions into "two armies"—S. S. 6:13; Gen. 32:1-2:

1 这二营军兵属灵的意义,乃是刚强的见证,见证我们按照基督身体的原则,借着祂这位爱我们的,得胜有余,“绝顶得胜”─罗八37,十二5。

1. The spiritual significance of the two armies is the strong testimony that we more than conquer, we "super-overcome," through Him who loved us, according to the principle of the Body of Christ—Rom. 8:37; 12:5.

2 神不要那些在自己里面刚强的人;祂只要脆弱的人,较软弱的妇人和孩子─林前一26~28,林后十二9~10,十三3~5。

2. God does not want those who are strong in themselves; He wants only the feeble ones, the weaker ones, the women and children—1 Cor. 1:26-28; 2 Cor. 12:9-10; 13:3-5.

3 神需要一班与祂成为一的人,就是一班服从祂(由编发所表征─歌一11),并以柔顺的意志顺从祂(由戴上珠串的颈项所表征─10节)的人。─引用经文

3. God needs a people who are one with Him, a people who are submissive to Him, signified by the plaited hair (S. S. 1:11), and obedient to Him with a flexible will, signified by the neck with strings of jewels (v. 10).

4 那些被算为配作得胜者的人,将是较软弱、倚靠主的人─弗三8,启三8,加二20。

4. Those who are counted worthy to be overcomers will be the weaker ones who depend on the Lord—Eph. 3:8; Rev. 3:8; Gal. 2:20.

5 我们来看如何达到神圣启示的最高峰时,不该信靠自己,乃是倚靠主作为爱、能力和怜悯,使我们成为蒙怜悯、得尊贵、得荣耀的器皿─罗九16、21~23,歌八5~6。

5. When we consider how to arrive at the highest peak of the divine revelation, we should not trust in ourselves but depend on the Lord as love, power, and mercy to make us vessels of mercy, honor, and glory—Rom. 9:16, 21-23; S. S. 8:5-6.


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