第二篇 新人作为神团体的战士,以基督为全副军装的构成成分

The New Man as the Corporate Warrior of God with Christ as the Constituents of the Whole Armor of God



壹 以弗所五章启示,召会是满足基督渴望的新妇,有祂的形像作祂的彰显;以弗所六章启示,召会作为新人是团体的战士,为着神的管治权,为祂在地上的权益争战(因而完成创世记一章二十六节里神永远的定旨):─引用经文

I. Ephesians 5 reveals that the church is the bride to satisfy the desire of Christ for His expression with His image, and Ephesians 6 reveals that the church as the new man is a corporate warrior fighting the battle for God's interests on earth for His dominion (thus fulfilling God's eternal purpose in Genesis 1:26):

一 在以弗所五章和六章,我们看见召会是新妇也是战士;在启示录十九章,也有召会的这两面。─引用经文

A. In Ephesians 5 and 6 we see the church as the bride and as the warrior; in Revelation 19 we also have these two aspects of the church.

二 在启示录十九章七至八节,我们看见新妇穿着“明亮洁净的细麻衣”;然后在十四节,我们看见跟随主争战的众军乃是“穿着细麻衣,又白又洁”;这两处经文指明,新妇的结婚礼服,也是她作神军队与仇敌争战时所穿的制服。─引用经文

B. In Revelation 19:7 and 8 we see that the bride is clothed in "fine linen, bright and clean"; then in verse 14 we see that the armies that follow the Lord into battle are "dressed in fine linen, white and clean"; these verses indicate that the bride's wedding garment will also be the uniform that she wears as God's army to fight against His enemy.

三 召会是新妇,需要爱和光;召会是战士,需要权能和神全副的军装。

C. As the bride, the church needs love and light; as the warrior, the church needs might and the whole armor of God.

贰 以弗所六章十至二十节启示,基督是神军装的构成成分,为着召会,一个新人,作神团体的战士:─引用经文

II. Ephesians 6:10-20 reveals that Christ is the constituents of God's armor for the church, the one new man, as the corporate warrior of God:

一 “末了的话,你们要在主里,靠着祂力量的权能,得着加力。要穿戴神全副的军装,使你们能以站住,抵挡魔鬼的诡计”─10~11节:

A. "Finally, be empowered in the Lord and in the might of His strength. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the stratagems of the devil"—vv. 10-11:

1 我们需要在主里得着加力,这指明我们不能在自己里面打属灵的仗;我们只能在主里,并靠着祂力量的权能争战。

1. The fact that we need to be empowered in the Lord indicates that we cannot fight the spiritual warfare in ourselves; we can fight only in the Lord and in the might of His strength.

2 神全副的军装是为着基督的整个身体这团体战士,不是为着基督身体上任何单个的肢体;我们必须在基督的身体里打属灵的仗,绝不能单独作战─10~13节,雅四7,参腓一19,罗十三12~14,十六20。

2. The whole armor of God is for the entire Body of Christ as the corporate warrior, not for any individual member of the Body; we must fight the spiritual warfare in the Body, not as individuals—vv. 10-13; James 4:7; cf. Phil. 1:19; Rom. 13:12-14; 16:20.

3 在以弗所二章,我们是与基督一同坐在诸天界里;在四章和五章,我们是在地上,在基督的身体里行事为人;然后在六章,我们是在诸天界里,在基督的大能里站住。─引用经文

3. In Ephesians 2 we sit with Christ in the heavenlies; in chapters 4 and 5 we walk in His Body on the earth; then in chapter 6 we stand in His power in the heavenlies.

4 与基督同坐,是有分于祂一切所成就的;在基督的身体里行事为人,是成就神永远的定旨;在基督的大能里站住,乃是抵挡神的仇敌。

4. To sit with Christ is to participate in all His accomplishments, to walk in His Body is to fulfill God's eternal purpose, and to stand in His power is to fight against God's enemy.

二 “所以要站住,用真理束你们的腰”─14节上:

B. "Stand therefore, having girded your loins with truth"—v. 14a:

1 以弗所六章十四节里的“真理”是指神在基督里作我们生活中的实际,就是神在我们生活中被我们实化并经历;这实际上就是基督自己从我们活出来─四15、21、24~25,约十四6。

1. Truth in Ephesians 6:14 refers to God in Christ as the reality in our living, that is, God realized and experienced by us in our living; this is actually Christ Himself lived out by us—4:15, 21, 24-25; John 14:6.

2 我们所用以束腰的真理,实际上就是我们所经历的基督;因为保罗的生活模成了基督的模型,所以他有力量面对一切的反对和逆境─弗四20,腓一19~21上。

2. The truth with which we are girded is actually the Christ whom we experience; because Paul's living was conformed to the pattern of Christ, he had the strength to face all opposition and adverse circumstances—Eph. 4:20; Phil. 1:19-21a.

三 “穿上义的胸甲”─弗六14下,林前一30,耶二三6:

C. "Having put on the breastplate of righteousness"—Eph. 6:14b; 1 Cor. 1:30; Jer. 23:6:

1 基督作为义的胸甲,遮盖我们的良心,就是胸所表征的;撒但是控告我们的,我们在与他争战时,需要有被血洁净的良心,就是无亏的良心─来九14,十22,徒二四16。

1. Christ as the breastplate of righteousness covers our conscience, signified by the breast; in fighting against Satan, our accuser, we need a blood-purified conscience, a conscience void of offense—Heb. 9:14; 10:22; Acts 24:16.

2 “弟兄们胜过他,是因羔羊的血”(启十二11);对撒但的控告,我们应该回应说,“我胜过那控告者撒但,不是靠着我的完全,甚至也不是靠着无亏的良心,乃是靠着羔羊的血;我靠义的胸甲,抵挡他的控告。”─引用经文

2. "They overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb" (Rev. 12:11); our response to Satan's accusations should be, "I overcome Satan, the accuser, not by my perfection and not even by a conscience void of offense but by the blood of the Lamb; I am defended against his accusations by the breastplate of righteousness. "

四 “以和平福音的稳固根基,当作鞋穿在脚上”─弗六15:

D. "Having shod your feet with the firm foundation of the gospel of peace"—Eph. 6:15:

1 基督已经在十字架上,为我们与神并与人成就了和平,这和平成了我们的福音;这和平的福音已经建立成稳固的根基,好象预备好的鞋,给我们穿在脚上─二13~17。

1. Christ has made peace for us on the cross, both with God and with man, and this peace has become our gospel; the gospel of peace has been established as a firm foundation, as a readiness with which our feet may be shod—2:13-17.

2 我们借着在和平里站住而打属灵的仗;我们若失去我们与神之间,或与别的信徒之间的和平,我们就失去了争战的立足点─西三15,腓四6~7。

2. We fight the spiritual warfare by standing in peace; if we lose the peace between us and God or between us and other believers, we lose the standing to fight—Col. 3:15; Phil. 4:6-7.

五 “此外,拿起信的盾牌,借此就能销灭那恶者一切火烧的箭”─弗六16,林后四13,来十二2,参腓二13:

E. "Besides all these, having taken up the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the flaming darts of the evil one"—Eph. 6:16; 2 Cor. 4:13; Heb. 12:2; cf. Phil. 2:13:

1 火烧的箭就是撒但的试诱、提议、怀疑、问题、谎言和攻击;我们需要拿起信的盾牌,销灭这些火烧的箭。

1. The flaming darts are Satan's temptations, proposals, doubts, questions, lies, and attacks; we need to take up the shield of faith to quench these flaming darts.

2 我们需要操练我们信心的灵,连同降服且复活的意志,相信主的显现是要消除魔鬼的作为─林后四13,约壹三8,太十六22~23,路四39,太十二28,路十17、19。

2. We need to exercise our spirit of faith with our subdued and resurrected will to believe that the Lord's manifestation is to destroy the works of the devil—2 Cor. 4:13; 1 John 3:8; Matt. 16:22-23; Luke 4:39; Matt. 12:28; Luke 10:17, 19.

3 我们需要操练我们信心的灵,相信主的死已废除撒但─来二14,林前十五54~58,加二20,罗六3~6。

3. We need to exercise our spirit of faith to believe that the Lord's death has destroyed Satan—Heb. 2:14; 1 Cor. 15:54-58; Gal. 2:20; Rom. 6:3-6.

4 我们需要操练我们信心的灵,相信主的复活已叫撒但蒙羞─西二12~15、20,三1,约十四30,腓三10,赛六一10,亚三4~5。

4. We need to exercise our spirit of faith to believe that the Lord's resurrection has put Satan to shame—Col. 2:12-15, 20; 3:1; John 14:30; Phil. 3:10; Isa. 61:10; Zech. 3:4-5.

5 我们需要操练我们信心的灵,相信主的升天远超过撒但的权势─弗一19~23,二6,六11、13。

5. We need to exercise our spirit of faith to believe that the ascension of the Lord is far above Satan's power—Eph. 1:19-23; 2:6; 6:11, 13.

6 我们必须相信神;祂是真的、活的、应时且便利的─可十一22,启一18。

6. We must have faith in God, who is real, living, present, and available—Mark 11:22; Rev. 1:18.

7 我们必须相信神的心;神对我们的心总是好的;祂没有意思要惩罚我们、伤害我们或叫我们受亏损─罗八28~39。

7. We must have faith in God's heart; God's heart toward us is always good; He has no intention to punish us, to injure us, or to cause us to suffer loss—Rom. 8:28-39.

8 我们必须相信神的信实;神不能说谎,祂对自己的话总是信实的─林前一9,约壹一9,多一2。

8. We must have faith in God's faithfulness; God cannot lie but is always faithful to His word—1 Cor. 1:9; 1 John 1:9; Titus 1:2.

9 我们必须相信神的能力─弗三20。

9. We must have faith in God's ability—Eph. 3:20.

10 我们必须相信神的话;神受了约束,要成就祂所说的一切─参帖前五24,弗六17~18。

10. We must have faith in God's word; God is bound to fulfill all that He has spoken—cf. 1 Thes. 5:24; Eph. 6:17-18.

11 我们必须相信神的旨意─一5、9、11,罗十二1~2,来十5~10。

11. We must have faith in God's will—1:5, 9, 11; Rom. 12:1-2; Heb. 10:5-10.

12 我们必须相信神的主宰;在祂的主宰下,连我们的错误也互相効力,叫我们得益处─罗九19~29。

12. We must have faith in God's sovereignty; under His sovereignty even our mistakes work for good—Rom. 9:19-29.

六 “接受救恩的头盔”─弗六17上:

F. "Receive the helmet of salvation"—Eph. 6:17a:

1 救恩的头盔是为着遮盖我们的心思、思想,抵挡那恶者射到我们里面的消极意念;这样的头盔,这样的遮盖,乃是神的救恩。

1. The helmet of salvation is for covering our mind, our mentality, against the negative thoughts shot in by the evil one; such a helmet, such a covering, is God's salvation.

2 撒但把恐惧、威吓、忧虑、挂虑和其他叫人软弱的意念,注射到我们的心思里;神的救恩乃是我们所拿起以抵挡这一切的遮盖;这样的救恩,就是我们在日常生活中所经历那拯救的基督─约十六33。

2. Satan injects fear, threats, worries, anxieties, and other weakening thoughts into our mind; God's salvation is the covering that we take up against all of these, and this salvation is the saving Christ whom we experience in our daily life—John 16:33.

七 接受“那灵的剑,那灵就是神的话”─弗六17下:

G. Receive "the sword of the Spirit, which Spirit is the word of God"—Eph. 6:17b:

1 在神六项的军装中,唯有那灵的剑是为着攻击外面的仇敌和里面的对头;我们用剑砍碎外面的仇敌和里面主观的对头。

1. Among the six items of God's armor, the sword of the Spirit is the only one for attacking the outward enemy and the inward adversary; with the sword we cut the outward enemy and the subjective, inward adversary to pieces.

2 基督作为那灵与话,供给我们进攻的剑,击败并杀死我们这人里面消极的元素;当我们祷读主话时,至终,最厉害的敌人─己─就要被治死。

2. Christ as the Spirit and the word furnishes us with a sword as an offensive weapon to defeat and slay the negative elements in our being; as we pray-read the Word, eventually the self, the worst foe of all, will be put to death.

3 当娄格斯(logos─圣经中常时的话)对我们成了雷玛(rhema─那灵现时、即时、活的、个人的说话)时,这雷玛就是砍碎对头的剑:

3. When the logos (the constant word in the Bible) becomes the rhema (the present, instant, living, and personal speaking of the Spirit) to us, this rhema is the sword that cuts the adversary to pieces:

a 我们越接受主的话连同其杀死的能力,我们的骄傲以及我们里面一切消极的元素就越被治死;借着祷读,我们里面的对头就被击杀。

a. The more we take in the word with its killing power, the more our pride and all the negative elements within us are put to death; by pray-reading, the inward adversary is slain.

b 在以弗所五章,话是为着滋养,使新妇美丽(26~27);但在六章,话是为着杀死,使召会能从事属灵的争战(17~18)。─引用经文

b. In Ephesians 5 the word is for nourishment that leads to the beautifying of the bride (vv. 26-27), but in Ephesians 6 the word is for killing that enables the church to engage in spiritual warfare (vv. 17-18).

八 “借着各样的祷告和祈求,……时时在灵里祷告,并尽力坚持,在这事上儆醒,且为众圣徒祈求”─17~18节:

H. "By means of all prayer and petition, praying at every time in spirit and watching unto this in all perseverance and petition concerning all the saints"—v. 18:

1 祷告可视为神的第七项军装,因为这一项是凭借,叫我们借以应用其他各项。

1. Prayer may be considered the seventh item of the armor of God because it is the means by which we apply the other items.

2 祷告是应用基督作神军装唯一的路;祷告使军装对我们成为实际可用的。

2. Prayer is the unique way to apply Christ as the armor of God; it is prayer that makes the armor available to us in a practical way.

3 我们必须坚定持续地祷告,因为祷告与争战有关;神与撒但双方彼此敌对;第三方包括神所拣选并救赎的人─西四2,弗六18,太二六41,参弗五14,罗十三11~14。

3. We need to persevere in prayer because prayer involves a battle, a fight; two parties, God and Satan, are hostile to each other; the third party consists of God's chosen and redeemed people—Col. 4:2; Eph. 6:18; Matt. 26:41; cf. Eph. 5:14; Rom. 13:11-14.

4 我们为了要在神这一边与撒但争战,就必须坚定持续地祷告;这种的坚定持续是必需的,因为整个世界的趋向都是远离神的─约壹五19,参约十四30,十六33。

4. In order to fight on God's side against Satan, we need to persevere in prayer; this perseverance is needed because the course of the whole world is away from God—1 John 5:19; cf. John 14:30; 16:33.

5 在我们想要坚定持续地祷告以前,首先该为我们的祷告生活向主许愿;我们要对祂说,“主,我要在这事上拚上去;我把自己献给你,好叫我有祷告的生活;主,保守我在祷告的灵里;如果我忘记了,忽 略了,我知道你不会忘记,求你一再提醒我要祷告。”

5. Before we try to persevere in prayer, we should first make a vow to the Lord concerning our prayer life; we need to say to Him, "Lord, I am desperate about this; I offer myself to You so that I may have a prayer life; Lord, keep me in the spirit of prayer; if I forget this or neglect this, I know that You will not forget it; remind me again and again about prayer. "

6 坚定持续地祷告有许多益处:

6. Persevering in prayer has many benefits:

a 祷告是我们能思念在上面的事唯一的路─西三2,来七25,八2,参徒六4。

a. Prayer is the only way that we can set our mind on the things above—Col. 3:2; Heb. 7:25; 8:2; cf. Acts 6:4.

b 祷告乃是进入至圣所,来到施恩的宝座前的路,好使我们受怜悯,得恩典,作应时的帮助(来四16);我们来到施恩宝座前祷告的时候,恩典就如同江河,在我们里面涌流并供应我们─诗歌五五七首。

b. Prayer is the way to enter into the Holy of Holies and come forward to the throne of grace so that we may receive mercy and find grace to meet our timely need (Heb. 4:16); when we pray, approaching the throne of grace, grace will become a river flowing in us and supplying us—Hymns, #770.

c 我们越祷告,就越经历与主成为一;我们也越享受祂的同在,越多与祂交通;这是何等美妙的赏赐!

c. The more we pray, the more we experience being one with the Lord, enjoy His presence, and have fellowship with Him; what a marvelous reward!


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