第八篇 在召会中当怎样行,以产生一个新人

How One Ought to Conduct Himself in the Church in Order to Bring Forth the One New Man



壹 提前三章十五节说,“倘若我耽延,你也可以知道在神的家中当怎样行;这家就是活神的召会”:

I. First Timothy 3:15 says,"If I delay,I write that you may know how one ought to conduct himself in the house of God,which is the church of the living God":

一 这里的“行”是指治理;提摩太受了保罗的托付,安排各地召会治理的事。

A. Here conduct refers to administration; Timothy received Paul's commission to arrange for matters related to the administration of the churches.

二 当保罗说“可以知道在神的家中当怎样行”,他乃是说到如何治理、安排召会中的事。

B. When Paul speaks of knowing "how one ought to conduct himself in the house of God," he is speaking of how to administrate and arrange matters in the church.

三 表面看来,保罗是说到他的耽延;但我们若有属灵的眼光,就会领悟保罗事实上是说到主的耽延;当主还没有回来之时,我们要知道在召会中该怎样治理,该怎样行动。

C. It may seem that Paul is speaking only about being delayed himself,but if we have spiritual insight,we will realize that he is actually referring to the Lord being delayed; before the Lord comes back,we must know how to administrate the church,how to conduct ourselves in the church.

贰 我们若要清楚认识召会是什么,以及神在召会里要作什么,好知道自己在召会中当怎样行,就必须明白以弗所二章十三至十六节,歌罗西三章十至十一节,以及林前十二章十二至十三节:─引用经文

II. If we want to clearly know what the church is and what God desires to do in the church,so that we may know how we ought to conduct ourselves in the church,we need to understand Ephesians 2:13-16,Colossians 3:10-11,and 1 Corinthians 12:12-13:

一 以弗所二章是说到外邦人和犹太人在基督里成了一个新人:─引用经文

A. Ephesians 2 is concerning the Gentiles and the Jews becoming one new man in Christ:

1 新人不是指个人说的;新人乃是团体的;所以,十五节很清楚地说,基督把两下〔犹太人和外邦人〕创造成一个新人。─引用经文

1. The new man does not refer to an individual; the new man is a corporate new man; hence,verse 15 clearly says that Christ created the two (the Jews and the Gentiles) into one new man.

2 基督借着废掉那规条中诫命的律法,拆毁了犹太人和外邦人中间隔断的墙;当祂被钉在十字架上时,一切的规条也都被钉在那里─15节,西二14:

2. Christ broke down the middle wall of partition between the Jews and the Gentiles by abolishing the law of the commandments in ordinances; when He was crucified on the cross,all the ordinances were nailed there—v.15; Col.2:14:

a 规条是指礼仪律法的规条及其仪式,就是生活与敬拜的形式或作法。

a. Ordinances refer to the ceremonial law with its rituals,which are the forms or ways of living and worship.

b 这些生活与敬拜的形式或作法造成仇恨和分裂;要实行正确的召会生活,就必须排除并丢弃一切的规条。

b. These forms or ways of living and worship create enmity and division; to practice the proper church life,all ordinances should be repudiated and dropped.

3 “既用十字架除灭了仇恨,便借这十字架,使两下(犹太人和外邦人)在一个身体里与神和好了”─弗二16:

3. "And might reconcile both [the Jews and the Gentiles] in one Body to God through the cross,having slain the enmity by it"—Eph.2:16:

a 这一个身体,召会(一23),就是前节(二15)的一个新人;在这一个身体里,犹太人和外邦人借十字架与神和好了。─引用经文

a. This one Body,the church (1:23),is the one new man mentioned in the previous verse,2:15; it was in this one Body that both the Jews and the Gentiles were reconciled to God through the cross.

b 我们信徒无论是犹太人或外邦人,不仅是“为着”基督的身体,也是“在”基督的身体里,得以和好;这是何等的启示!

b. We,the believers,whether Jews or Gentiles,were reconciled not only for the Body of Christ but also in the Body of Christ; what a revelation is here!

c 我们与神和好;我们在基督的身体里得救了。

c. We were reconciled to God; we were saved in the Body of Christ.

4 在我们得救以前,我们是在旧人亚当里;当我们得救时,就从亚当里出来,脱去旧人,穿上了新人基督─西三9~10,弗二15。

4. Before we were saved,we were in Adam,the old man; when we were saved,we came out of Adam,put off the old man,and put on Christ,the new man—Col.3:9-10; Eph.2:15.

二 “并且穿上了新人;这新人照着创造他者的形像渐渐更新,以致有充足的知识”─西三10:

B. "And have put on the new man,which is being renewed unto full knowledge according to the image of Him who created him"—Col.3:10:

1 因着基督是新人的构成成分(11,一27~28),我们既是新人,就与基督是一;这是歌罗西书最基本、最重要的点。─引用经文

1. Since Christ is the constituent of the new man (v.11; 1:27-28),we,who are the new man,are one with Christ; this is the most basic and crucial point in the book of Colossians.

2 虽然我们穿上了基督(加三27),基督也在我们里面(西一27),但这新人还没有从我们里面显现出来。─引用经文

2. Although we have put on Christ (Gal.3:27) and Christ is in us (Col.1:27),the new man has not yet been manifested through us.

3 新人原是用我们属旧造的人为其构成成分所创造的(弗二15),所以新人需要更新;这更新主要的发生在我们的心思里,如歌罗西三章十节“以致有充足的知识”所指明的。─引用经文

3. Because the new man was created with us,who belong to the old creation (Eph.2:15),as his constituents,he needs to be renewed; this renewing takes place mainly in our mind,as indicated by the phrase unto full knowledge in Colossians 3:10.

4 新人是在我们灵里创造的;然后这新人要照着基督的形像,在我们的心思里渐渐更新,以致有充足的知识;基督就是神的彰显─西一15,来一3上。

4. The new man was created in our spirit and is being renewed in our mind unto full knowledge according to the image of Christ,who is the very expression of God—1:15; Heb.1:3a.

5 我们越过越认识主(腓三8、10),新人就越过越更新,主的形像就更多显现出来,而产生一个新人。─引用经文

5. As we know the Lord more and more (Phil.3:8,10),the new man will be renewed more and more,and the image of the Lord will be manifested more for the bringing forth of the one new man.

三 歌罗西三章十一节指明希利尼人和犹太人、受割礼的和未受割礼的、化外人、西古提人、为奴的、自主的,都已经在十字架上;“在此并没有”乃是厉害的话,表明一切都了结了;在新人里没有天然的人,在新人里什么都没有,“唯有基督是一切,又在一切之内”;我们若真看见这个光,我们的事奉和工作就会有何等的改变!─引用经文

C. Colossians 3:11 indicates that Greek and Jew,circumcision and uncircumcision,barbarian,Scythian,slave,and free man are on the cross; there cannot be is a strong word indicating that everything has been terminated,that there is no natural person in the new man,and that there cannot be anything in the new man except Christ,who is "all and in all"; if we truly see this light,there will be such a change in our service and work.

四 关于基督的身体,林前十二章十二至十三节说,“就如身体是一个,却有许多肢体,而且身体上一切的肢体虽多,仍是一个身体,基督也是这样。因为我们不拘是犹太人或希利尼人,是为奴的或自主的,都已经在一位灵里受浸,成了一个身体,且都得以喝一位灵”:

D. Concerning the Body of Christ,1 Corinthians 12:12-13 says,"Even as the body is one and has many members,yet all the members of the body,being many,are one body,so also is the Christ.For also in one Spirit we were all baptized into one Body,whether Jews or Greeks,whether slaves or free,and were all given to drink one Spirit":

1 这如同歌罗西三章十一节所说的;我们现今都在圣灵里受浸,成了一个身体,也就是成了一个新人,成了基督。─引用经文

1. This corresponds to Colossians 3:11; we have all been baptized in the Holy Spirit into one Body,that is,into one new man,into Christ.

2 借着十字架,并借着我们经过十字架,基督使祂所救赎的人与祂和好,并在祂自己里面创造成一个新人。

2. By the cross and by our passing through the cross,Christ has reconciled His redeemed ones and created them in Himself into one new man.

3 这新人,这身体,就是基督自己;在这个新人里,没有任何的不同;只有基督;基督是一切肢体,又在一切肢体之内。

3. This new man,this Body,is Christ Himself; in this new man there are no differences; there is only Christ; Christ is all the members and in all the members.

五 唯有当我们清楚以上所有的点,我们才能知道在召会中如何治理和事奉(当怎样行)。

E. It is only when we are clear concerning all the points above that we will know how to administrate and serve (how to conduct ourselves) in the church.

叁 借由保罗的榜样,我们可以看见治理召会的十个要点;我们要让圣灵将这十点,写在我们的心版上,使我们活在其中─参林后三3:

III. We can see ten crucial points in the administration of the church by the pattern of Paul; we should allow the Holy Spirit to inscribe these ten points in the tablets of our heart so that we may live in them—cf.2 Cor.3:3:

一 首先,在加拉太一章十六节,保罗说,他事奉神,乃是因为神乐意将祂儿子启示在他里面,叫他把祂当作福音传在外邦人中;保罗传扬神启示在祂里面那活的基督,不是知识道理─参徒二六16~19。

A. First,in Galatians 1:15-16 he says that he served God because it pleased God to reveal His Son in him that he might announce Him as the gospel among the Gentiles; Paul announced the living Christ whom God had revealed in him,not knowledge or doctrine—cf.Acts 26:16-19.

二 其次,我们必须清楚看见基督是“我们的生命”(西三4);基督是我们的生命,意思是祂是身体的生命,新人的生命;不仅如此,基督是我们的生命,有力地指明我们要以祂为生命而凭祂活着,要在日常生活中活祂,以经历歌罗西书所启示那宇宙般延展的基督,使祂一切所是、所达到、所得着的,不再是客观的,乃成为我们主观的经历。─引用经文

B. Second,we must clearly see that Christ is "our life" (Col.3:4); Christ being our life means that He is the life of the Body,of the new man; furthermore,that Christ is our life is a strong indication that we are to take Him as life and live by Him,that we are to live Him in our daily life in order to experience the universally extensive Christ revealed in Colossians,so that all He is and has attained and obtained will not remain objective but will become our subjective experience.

三 第三,我们需要与保罗一同领悟,我们该活在基督里;保罗说,“我……已经向律法死了,叫我可以向神活着。……并且我如今在肉身里所活的生命,是我在神儿子的信里,与祂联结所活的,祂是爱我,为我舍了自己”─加二19~20。

C. Third,along with Paul,we need to realize that we need to live in Christ; he says,"I...have died to law that I might live to God...And the life which I now live in the flesh I live in faith,the faith of the Son of God,who loved me and gave Himself up for me"—Gal.2:19-20.

四 第四,我们必须看见我们这个人,和我们这个人原有的一切,都已经在十字架上被了结;保罗说,“我已经与基督同钉十字架;现在活着的,不再是我,乃是基督在我里面活着”─20节。

D. Fourth,we need to see that what we are and have has been terminated on the cross; Paul says,"I am crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live,but it is Christ who lives in me"—v.20.

五 第五,我们必须不再凭着我们原来的人,和我们在自己里面所有的来事奉;保罗在加拉太六章十四节说,“就我而论,世界已经钉了十字架;就世界而论,我也已经钉了十字架。”

E. Fifth,we must not serve according to what we are or what we have in ourselves; in Galatians 6:14 Paul says,"The world has been crucified to me and I to the world."

六 第六,保罗唯一的目标和我们独一的目标,该是把基督分赐给人,使基督在人里面加多;保罗在四章十九节说,“我为你们再受生产之苦,直等到基督成形在你们里面。”

F. Sixth,Paul's unique goal,and ours,should be to dispense Christ into others so that Christ could increase in them; in Galatians 4:19 he says,"I travail again in birth until Christ is formed in you."

七 第七,我们不该盼望与我们一同服事的人有何改变,而只该盼望他们得着基督,被基督充满,完全被基督得着;保罗在林前二章二节说,“我曾定了主意,在你们中间不知道别的,只知道耶稣基督,并这位钉十字架的。”

G. Seventh,we should not expect those with whom we serve to change in any way; instead,we should desire only that they gain Christ,be filled with Christ,and be fully gained by Christ; in 1 Corinthians 2:2 Paul says,"I did not determine to know anything among you except Jesus Christ,and this One crucified."

八 第八,我们必须清楚看见,我们事奉、作工、治理召会的结果,只该有一个,就是在召会里产生出基督,叫每一个人里面都有基督,每一个肢体里面的基督都增长,使众人都达到基督丰满之身材的度量(弗四13);保罗在林后四章十二节说,“死是在我们身上发动,生命却在你们身上发动。”─引用经文

H. Eighth,we must clearly see that there should only be one result in our service,work,and administration of the church—Christ must be produced in the church so that everyone has Christ,so that Christ increases in every member,and so that all will arrive at the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Eph.4:13); in 2 Corinthians 4:12 Paul says,"Death operates in us,but life in you."

九 第九,保罗为以上这些点祷告(罗一9,弗一16,西一9,帖前一2);我们必须是个祷告的人(西四2)。─引用经文

I. Ninth,Paul prayed for all these matters (Rom.1:9; Eph.1:16; Col.1:9; 1 Thes.1:2); we must be men of prayer (Col.4:2).

十 第十,我们要像使徒保罗一样,有活的信心,信神能“照着运行在我们里面的大能,极其充盈地成就一切,超过我们所求所想的”(弗三20),特别是在以上所列的点上。

J. Tenth,we must be like the apostle Paul,who had a living faith,believing that God is able "to do superabundantly above all that we ask or think,according to the power which operates in us" (Eph.3:20),especially concerning the points listed above.

肆 以弗所三章十六至二十一节启示事奉之人该有的灵、态度、祷告和信心,为要作出新耶路撒冷并产生一个新人:─引用经文

IV. Ephesians 3:16-21 reveals the spirit,attitude,prayer,and faith that a serving one should have in order to work out the New Jerusalem and bring forth the one new man:

一 保罗的灵和态度─他所看见的、所充满的、所说的、心上所挂着的─都是联于这异象,就是神显现于肉体,调和在人里面,要用基督建造召会,要叫基督充满召会;以弗所三章十六至二十一节最宝贵的点,还不在于保罗的祷告和信心,乃在于他的灵和态度。

A. Paul's spirit and attitude—what he saw,what he was filled with,what he said,and what he cared about in his heart—were related to the vision of God being manifested in the flesh and being mingled with man in order to build the church with Christ so that the church would be filled with Christ; the most precious point in Ephesians 3:16-21 is not Paul's prayer and faith but his spirit and attitude.

二 我们应当与基督合作,把基督作到人里面,把基督当作材料建造到人里面,使他们成为属灵的殿,就是那位在万有中充满万有者的彰显和丰满─这该成为我们的灵和态度。

B. We should cooperate with Christ so that we can work Christ into others and build Christ as the material into others so that they may become a spiritual temple for the expression,the fullness,of the One who fills all in all—this should be our spirit and attitude.

三 保罗非常有负担,他说,“我向父屈膝”(14);保罗跪下来祷告,因为他里头有一个东西,逼得他向父屈膝;保罗对基督着了迷,在以弗所三章,他不能不跪下来。─引用经文

C. Paul was so burdened that he said,"I bow my knees unto the Father" (v.14); Paul knelt down to pray because something within forced him to bow his knees unto the Father; because Paul was obsessed with Christ,in Ephesians 3 he could not help but kneel down.

四 无论是作长老的、作执事的或是同工们,凡是事奉主的人,都得看见异象,看见启示,并且到一个地步,完全着了迷,与保罗有同样的灵、态度和里面的心情。

D. Every elder,deacon,co-worker,and everyone who serves the Lord must see a vision,a revelation,to the point that he is absolutely obsessed with it and has the same spirit,attitude,and inner mood of Paul.

五 保罗从四方面形容,我们需要父使我们得加强到里面的人里:

E. Paul described four aspects of our need to be strengthened into the inner man by the Father:

1 信徒得加强的第一面,乃是“照着祂荣耀的丰富”(16);神彰显出来就是荣耀─参出四十34,代下七3,结一28,十4:

1. The first aspect of the strengthening of the believers is that it would be "according to the riches of His glory" (v.16); God expressed is glory—cf.Exo.40:34; 2 Chron.7:3; Ezek.1:28; 10:4:

a 那居住在基督里的,是神所是之丰富的彰显,而所显出来的荣耀乃是丰满(西二9,弗三19下);这意思是神要彰显出来。─引用经文

a. What dwells in Christ is the expression of the riches of what God is,and the glory that is expressed is the fullness (Col.2:9; Eph.3:19b); this means that God wants to be expressed.

b 神的荣耀作到召会中,神就在召会中得着彰显;因此,在召会中荣耀归与神─20~21。

b. God's glory is wrought into the church,and He is expressed in the church; hence,to God is the glory in the church—vv.20-21.

c 神显出来的那个荣耀,进到信徒里面,成为信徒得加强的能力,以致信徒能刚强起来,显出神的荣耀。

c. The glory of the expressed God can enter into the believers and become the strengthening power within them; in turn,they are strengthened to express God's glory.

2 信徒得加强的第二面,乃是“借着祂的灵”(16);神非借着灵,就不能借着人彰显出来;父借着内住的灵,从我们里面加强我们,这灵从我们重生起,就与我们同在并在我们里面。─引用经文

2. The second aspect of the strengthening of the believers is "through His Spirit" (v.16); without the Spirit,God cannot be expressed through man; the Father strengthens us from within through the indwelling Spirit,who has been with us and in us since our regeneration.

3 信徒得加强的第三面,乃是借着神“用大能”(16);这大能就是一章十九至二十二节所说,使基督从死人中复活,叫祂在诸天界里坐在神的右边,又将万有服在祂的脚下,并使祂向着召会作万有之头的大能;这大能运行在我们里面(19~20);神是用这样的大能,为着召会加强我们。─引用经文

3. The third aspect of the strengthening of the believers is that they would be strengthened "with power" (v.16); this is the power that is referred to in 1:19-22—the power that raised Christ from the dead,seated Christ at the right hand of God in the heavenlies,subjected all things under Christ's feet,and gave Christ to be Head over all things to the church; such power operates in us (vv.19-20),and with such power God strengthens us for the church.

4 信徒得加强的第四面,乃是得加强“到里面的人里”(16);里面的人是我们重生的灵,有神的生命为其生命;这含示我们需要借着圣灵得加强到我们的灵里。─引用经文

4. The fourth aspect of the strengthening of the believers is that they would be strengthened "into the inner man" (3:16); the inner man is our regenerated spirit,which has God's life as its life; this implies that we need to be strengthened into our spirit through the Holy Spirit.

六 结果乃是基督安家在我们心里;以弗所三章十七节里的“心”是个很重的字,意思是基督在我们里面是能感觉到的,并且我们回应内住在我们里面的基督;我们的心是感觉和情感的器官,基督就是住在我们的心里:─引用经文

F. The issue is Christ making His home in our hearts; hearts in Ephesians 3:17 is an important word,meaning that Christ can be sensed in us and that we respond to Christ dwelling in us; our heart is the organ of our feeling and emotion,and it is where Christ dwells in us:

1 保罗永远不会忘记需要把基督作到人里面;他对基督在我们里面加多这件事着了迷,这是他中心的关切,也成为他的灵和态度;当保罗写以弗所三章十六至二十一节,他甚至超越了宇宙。─引用经文

1. Paul never neglected the need to work Christ into man; he was obsessed with the matter of Christ increasing in us,which was his central concern,and this became his spirit and attitude; when Paul wrote Ephesians 3:16-21,he transcended even the universe.

2 当基督在我们的感觉里,在我们的心里显为实际时,我们就在祂的爱里生根立基;保罗说,在这光景中我们才能和众圣徒一同领略何为那阔、长、高、深;这四个字加起来,就是无限量的基督。

2. When Christ is in our feeling and is real in our heart,we will be rooted and grounded in His love; in such a condition Paul said that we would apprehend with all the saints the breadth,length,height,and depth; these four words added together equal Christ in His immeasurableness.

3 这一切事的结果乃是我们认识基督那超越知识的爱,并且被充满,成为神一切的丰满(19);我们在召会中事奉的人,都该有这态度;我们所求所想的,必须是这一个。─引用经文

3. The result of all this is that we will know the knowledge-surpassing love of Christ and be filled unto all the fullness of God (v.19); we who serve in the church should have this attitude,and our thoughts and prayers should be for this.

4 负责弟兄们必须清楚,他们是以什么作目标,是人数的增加,还是基督的加多?弟兄们该像保罗一样,对于基督在神子民里面加多这件事完全着迷。

4. The responsible brothers should be clear as to what they take as their goal: is it an increase in number or an increase in Christ? They should be like Paul,who was totally obsessed with the increase of Christ within God's people.

5 我们要看重这事到一个地步,除了为这事祷告之外,就不会祷告;这是事奉神之人该有的态度、灵和祷告。

5. We should focus on this matter to the extent that we do not know what to pray other than this; this should be the attitude,spirit,and prayer of one who serves the Lord.

七 保罗恐怕以弗所圣徒觉得十六至十九节的祷告太难了,所以他表明他的信心,接着在二十至二十一节立刻说,“然而神能照着运行在我们里面的大能,极其充盈地成就一切,超过我们所求所想的;愿在召会中,并在基督耶稣里,荣耀归与祂,直到世世代代,永永远远。阿们”:─引用经文

G. Because Paul was concerned that the Ephesian saints might think that the prayer in verses 16 through 19 was too difficult,he expressed his faith by immediately following with verses 20 and 21—"but to Him who is able to do superabundantly above all that we ask or think,according to the power which operates in us,to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus unto all the generations forever and ever.Amen":

1 “在召会中……荣耀归与祂”,这句话丰满的意思是在新耶路撒冷;新耶路撒冷就是神荣耀的完全显出(启二一10~11);今天召会该是新耶路撒冷的雏型。─引用经文

1. The full meaning of the phrase to Him be the glory in the church is seen in the New Jerusalem; the New Jerusalem is the complete manifestation of God's glory (Rev.21:10-11),and the church today should be a miniature of the New Jerusalem.

2 这该是我们事奉主的灵、态度、祷告和信心;如此,我们在召会中的事奉,将是何等大而荣耀的事奉;弟兄姊妹都要被充满,成为神一切的丰满─弗三19下,参加四19。

2. This is the spirit,attitude,prayer,and faith with which we should serve the Lord; in this way our service in the church will be great and glorious,and the brothers and sisters will be filled unto all the fullness of God—Eph.3:19b; cf.Gal.4:19.



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