第七篇 完全与神和好并且心宽宏,好在神的经纶里正确地代表神

Being Fully Reconciled to God and Enlarged in Heart to Represent God Rightly in His Economy



壹 我们要在神的经纶里代表神,就需要完全与神和好─林后五20:

I. In order to represent God in His economy,we need to be fully reconciled to God—2 Cor.5:20:

一 和好的职事将我们完全、彻底、完满并圆满地带回归神─18节:

A. The ministry of reconciliation is to bring us back to God fully,thoroughly,completely,and entirely—v.18:

1 和好的职事不仅将罪人带回归神,更将信徒绝对地带进神里面─19~20节。

1. The ministry of reconciliation is not merely to bring sinners back to God but,even the more,to bring believers absolutely into God—vv.19-20.

2 我们一直不断需要和好的职事,直到我们完全与主是一,完全在祂里面,并让祂绝对地在我们里面。

2. Until we are wholly one with the Lord,being in Him and allowing Him to be in us absolutely,we will need the ministry of reconciliation.

二 我们与神完全的和好有两步─19~20节:

B. Two steps are required for us to be fully reconciled to God—vv.19-20:

1 林后五章十九节是叫世人与神和好,二十节是叫已经与神和好的信徒,进一步与神和好。─引用经文

1. In 2 Corinthians 5:19 it is the world that is reconciled to God,but in verse 20 it is the believers,who have already been reconciled to God and are to be reconciled further to God.

2 和好的第一步是罪人脱离罪与神和好─19节:

2. The first step of reconciliation is to reconcile sinners to God from sin—v.19:

a 为这目的,基督为我们的罪死了,使我们的罪蒙神赦免─林前十五3,路二四46~47,约壹二12。

a. For this purpose Christ died for our sins that they might be forgiven by God—1 Cor.15:3; Luke 24:46-47; 1 John 2:12.

b 这是基督的死客观的一面;在这一面,祂在十字架上担当我们的罪,替我们受了神的审判─彼前二24,赛五三11~12,来九28,西一22,罗八3。

b. This is the objective aspect of Christ's death; in this aspect He bore our sins upon Himself on the cross that they might be judged by God for us—1 Pet.2:24; Isa.53:11-12; Heb.9:28; Col.1:22; Rom.8:3.

3 和好的第二步是活在天然生命中的信徒脱离肉体与神和好─林后五20:

3. The second step of reconciliation is to reconcile believers living in the natural life to God from the flesh—2 Cor.5:20:

a 为这目的,基督替我们这个“人”死了,使我们能在复活的生命里向祂活着─14~15节。

a. For this purpose Christ died for us—the persons—that we might live to Him in the resurrection life—vv.14-15.

b 因着我们仍然与神隔开,我们并非完全与神是一,全然与祂和谐,所以需要和好的第二步。

b. Because we are still separated from God and because we are not fully one with God and altogether in harmony with Him,we need the second step of reconciliation.

c 基督主观的死需要应用到我们的情况里,应用到我们天然的生命上─罗六6,八13,加五24,太十六24:

c. The subjective aspect of the death of Christ needs to be applied to our situation and to our natural life—Rom.6:6; 8:13; Gal.5:24; Matt.16:24:

㈠ 为了使我们完全与神和好,父暴露我们天然的生命,并向我们揭示我们真实的情况─约壹一5、7:

1) In order that we may be reconciled to God in full,the Father exposes our natural life and unveils our real situation to us—1 John 1:5,7:

⑴ 结果,我们就定罪自己天然的所是,并且主观地应用十字架,这种应用基督的死,就钉死我们天然的生命。

a) As a result,we condemn our natural being and apply the cross subjectively,and this application of the death of Christ crucifies our natural life.

⑵ 当我们天然的人被除去时,我们就经历和好的第二步;在这一步,我们天然人的幔子裂开了,使我们能活在神的同在中。

b) As our natural man is crossed out,we experience the second step of reconciliation; in this step the veil of our natural man is rent so that we may live in God's presence.

㈡ 和好的第二步不是一次永远的,乃是继续不断的。

2) Instead of taking place once for all,the second step of reconciliation is continuous.

4 借着祂死的这两面,基督就使神所拣选的人完全与神和好了─罗五10,林后五19~20。

4. By the two aspects of His death,Christ fully reconciles God's chosen people to God—Rom.5:10; 2 Cor.5:19-20.

贰 与神完全和好,使我们的心宽宏─20节,六11~13:

II. Being fully reconciled to God causes us to be enlarged in our heart—v.20; 6:11-13:

一 我们的心有多宽宏,在于我们与神和好的程度。

A. How large our heart is depends on the degree of our reconciliation to God.

二 心狭窄是很强的标示,我们只是部分与神和好,我们得拯救的百分比还很低─12节,罗五10。

B. Narrowness of heart is a strong indication that we have been reconciled to God only partially and that the percentage of our salvation is quite low—v.12; Rom.5:10.

三 我们应当严以待己,而不是对人;为此,我们需要宽宏;那些非常梗直的人,通常也是狭窄的;他们需要心宽宏─林后六12~13。

C. In order to be strict with ourselves and not with others,we need to be enlarged; those who are constricted are usually narrow as well,and thus they need to have their heart enlarged—2 Cor.6:12-13.

四 智慧和广大的心是一件事的两面;智慧的秘诀乃是在于心地宽大─王上四20、29。

D. Wisdom and largeness of heart are two aspects of one thing; the secret of wisdom is to have a large heart—1 Kings 4:20,29.

叁 当我们完全与神和好并且心宽宏时,就能在神的经纶里正确地代表祂─林后五20,十8,十二15,十三4、10:

III. When we have been fully reconciled to God and have been enlarged in heart,we can represent God rightly in His economy—2 Cor.5:20; 10:8; 12:15; 13:4,10:

一 因着使徒保罗已经完全与神和好并且心宽宏,他就够资格作基督的大使代表神─五20:

A. Because the apostle Paul had been fully reconciled to God and enlarged in heart,he was qualified to be an ambassador of Christ,representing God—5:20:

1 基督的大使代表神这宇宙中最高的权柄:

1. An ambassador of Christ is one who represents God,the highest authority in the universe:

a 神已将天上地上所有的权柄,都赐给了基督─太二八18。

a. God has given all authority in heaven and on earth to Christ—Matt.28:18.

b 耶稣乃是基督─万有的主、万王之王、万主之主─最高的权柄─徒二36,十36,提前六15,启十七14,十九16。

b. Jesus is the Christ—the Lord of all,the King of kings and the Lord of lords—the highest authority—Acts 2:36; 10:36; 1 Tim.6:15; Rev.17:14; 19:16.

c 主需要一些够资格在地上代表祂的大使─太二八19。

c. The Lord needs some ambassadors on earth who are qualified to represent Him—Matt.28:19.

d 新约的执事是经授权得着属天权柄的人,代表最高的权柄─林后三6,五20:

d. A new covenant minister is one who has been authorized with the heavenly authority to represent the highest authority—2 Cor.3:6; 5:20:

㈠ 使徒受到托付,代表基督完成神的定旨─太十40,约十三20,加四14下。

1) The apostles were commissioned to represent Christ to accomplish God's purpose—Matt.10:40; John 13:20; Gal.4:14b.

㈡ 基督身体上所有的肢体都是头的代表,就是祂的大使─徒九6、10~17,二二12~16。

2) All the members of the Body are representatives of the Head,His ambassadors—Acts 9:6,10-17; 22:12-16.

2 保罗是基督的大使,乃是“代理的神”─林后一3~4、12、15~16,二10,十1,十一2:

2. As an ambassador of Christ,Paul was "the acting God"—2 Cor.1:3-4,12,15-16; 2:10; 10:1; 11:2:

a 保罗与基督是一,作为代理的神,安慰信徒─一3~4。

a. Paul was one with Christ to be the acting God in comforting the believers—1:3-4.

b 保罗凭着神的单纯行事为人,因为他效法神的单纯,并且活神─12节。

b. Paul conducted himself in the singleness of God,for he was an imitator of the simple God,and he lived God—v.12.

c 保罗来到哥林多人那里,乃是作恩典之神的来到─15~16节。

c. Paul's coming to the Corinthians was the coming of God as grace—vv.15-16.

d 保罗在基督的人位里饶恕一件特殊的事─二10。

d. Paul forgave a particular matter in the person of Christ—2:10.

e 保罗借着基督的温柔与和蔼劝信徒─十1。

e. Paul entreated the believers through the meekness and gentleness of Christ—10:1.

f 保罗以神的妒忌,妒忌圣徒─十一2。

f. Paul was jealous over the saints with the jealousy of God—11:2.

二 我们需要从摩西一次没有代表神学严肃的功课─民二十2~13:

B. We need to learn a serious lesson from the one time that Moses failed to represent God—Num.20:2-13:

1 摩西击打磐石两下,又称百姓是背叛的人,就是没有在以色列人眼前尊神为圣─10~12节:

1. In striking the rock twice and in calling the people rebels,Moses did not sanctify God in the sight of the people of Israel—vv.10-12:

a 尊神为圣,就是使祂成为圣别的,也就是使祂从一切假神分别出来;没有尊神为圣,就是使祂成为凡俗的─12节。

a. To sanctify God is to make Him holy,that is,separate from the false gods; to fail to sanctify God is to make Him common—v.12.

b 摩西向百姓动怒,又错误地击打磐石两下,就是没有尊神为圣─10~11节。

b. In being angry with the people and in wrongly striking the rock twice,Moses failed to sanctify God—vv.10-11.

c 神没有动怒,摩西却动怒,没有在神圣别的性情上正确代表神;他击打磐石两下,没有遵守神在祂经纶里的话─10~12节。

c. In being angry when God was not angry,Moses failed to represent God rightly in His holy nature,and in striking the rock twice,he did not keep God's word in His economy—vv.10-12.

d 摩西违犯了神的圣别性情和祂神圣的经纶;他定罪百姓是背叛的人,但他才是违背神话的人─10、24节,二七14。

d. Moses offended both God's holy nature and His divine economy; he condemned the people as rebels,but he was the one who rebelled against God's word—vv.10,24; 27:14.

2 在我们所说并所作一切关于神子民的事上,我们的态度必须按照神圣别的性情,我们的行动必须按照祂神圣的经纶。

2. In all that we say and do concerning God's people,our attitude must be according to God's holy nature,and our actions must be according to His divine economy.

3 我们若在态度和行动上不尊神为圣,就是背叛祂并得罪祂。

3. If we do not sanctify God in our attitude and actions,we rebel against Him and offend Him.

三 正确代表神的人必须有以下的资格:

C. A person who represents God rightly must have the following qualifications:

1 他必须服权柄─太八8~9。

1. He must submit to authority—Matt.8:8-9.

2 他必须认识他自己并没有权柄─二八18,林后十8,十三10。

2. He must realize that in himself he has no authority—28:18; 2 Cor.10:8; 13:10.

3 他必须认识神和神的旨意─弗一9,五17。

3. He must know God and God's will—Eph.1:9; 5:17.

4 他必须是否认己的人─太十六24。

4. He must be one who denies the self—Matt.16:24.

5 他必须与主是一,时刻活在与祂亲密的交通里─林前六17,一9,约壹一3。

5. He must be one with the Lord and live in constant and intimate fellowship with Him—1 Cor.6:17; 1:9; 1 John 1:3.

6 他必须不主观,不照着自己的感觉行事─林后三5。

6. He must not be subjective and not act according to his own feeling—2 Cor.3:5.

7 他必须对人亲切、有恩典─路六35,参罗五15~16,林前二12。

7. He must be kind and gracious in dealing with others—Luke 6:35; cf.Rom.5:15-16; 1 Cor.2:12.

8 他必须是在复活里的人,活在基督复活的生命里─林后一9,四14,民十七1~10。

8. He must be a person in resurrection,living in the resurrection life of Christ—2 Cor.1:9; 4:14; Num.17:1-10.

9 他在神面前必须站在卑微的地位上─十四5,十六3~4、22、45,太十一29,罗十二16,路十四7~11,彼前五5~6。

9. He must take a lowly place before God—14:5; 16:3-4,22,45; Matt.11:29; Rom.12:16; Luke 14:7-11; 1 Pet.5:5-6.

10 他必须是受得起顶撞的─出十六7,民十四2、5、9、27,太六14~15,林前四6~13。

10. He must be able to bear offenses—Exo.16:7; Num.14:2,5,9,27; Matt.6:14-15; 1 Cor.4:6-13.

11 他必须自己觉得不行,自以为不配─出三11,四6~7、10,林后三5,林前十五10。

11. He must have a consciousness of his inability and unsuitability—Exo.3:11; 4:6-7,10; 2 Cor.3:5; 1 Cor.15:10.

12 他必须是正确代表神的人─出三二11~12,林后五18、20,弗六20。

12. He must be one who represents God properly—Exo.32:11-12; 2 Cor.5:18,20; Eph.6:20.



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