第六篇 使徒的职事与基督天上的职事合作

The Apostolic Ministry in Cooperation with Christ's Heavenly Ministry



壹 约翰二十一章是约翰福音的完成和总结:─引用经文

I. John 21 is the completion and consummation of the Gospel of John:

一 约翰福音有二十一章,但事实上结束于二十章;整卷书说到基督在地上的职事,开始于祂这神的话成为肉体,成了一个在肉体里的人(一1、14),结束于祂这末后亚当的复活,成了赐生命的灵(二十22,林前十五45下);因此,约翰二十一章应当是一篇附言。─引用经文

A. The Gospel of John has twenty-one chapters,but it actually ends with chapter 20; the entire book covers the earthly ministry of Christ,beginning with His incarnation as the Word of God to become a man in the flesh (1:1,14) and ending with His resurrection as the last Adam to become the life-giving Spirit (20:22; 1 Cor.15:45b); hence,chapter 21 should be an appendix.

二 这样说虽然是对的,但更内在地说,约翰二十一章乃是约翰福音的完成和总结;二十一章总结整卷约翰福音,给我们看见基督在天上的职事与使徒在地上的职事一起合作,以完成神新约的经纶。─引用经文

B. Although it is correct to say this,it is more intrinsic to say that John 21 is the completion and consummation of the Gospel of John; chapter 21 consummates the entire Gospel of John by showing that Christ's heavenly ministry and the apostles' ministry on the earth cooperate together to carry out God's New Testament economy.

贰 在十章十节、十一节和十六节,主向门徒揭示,祂是好牧人,来使羊更丰盛地得着生命,并且祂另外有羊(外邦人),祂必须领这另外的羊与他们(犹太信徒)合为一群(一个召会),归于一个牧人之下:─引用经文

II. In 10:10,11,and 16 the Lord unveiled to the disciples that He was the good Shepherd who came that the sheep might have life abundantly and that He had other sheep (the Gentiles) that He must lead to join with them (the Jewish believers) to be one flock (one church) under one Shepherd:

一 首先,主的牧养是在祂地上的职事里─太九36,十1~6。

A. First,the Lord's shepherding was in His earthly ministry—Matt.9:36; 10:1-6.

二 然后,主的牧养是在祂天上的职事里(彼前五4)照顾召会,结果带进祂的身体。─引用经文

B. Second,the Lord's shepherding is in His heavenly ministry (1 Pet.5:4) to take care of the church,issuing in His Body.

叁 在这一篇附言里,当主在复活之后,并在祂升天之前,与祂的门徒同在时,在祂一次的显现里,祂托付彼得,当祂不在这里而在诸天之上时,要喂养祂的小羊,并牧养祂的羊─约二一15~17:

III. In this appendix,when the Lord stayed with His disciples after His resurrection and before His ascension,in one of His appearings,He commissioned Peter to feed His lambs and shepherd His sheep in His absence,while He is in the heavens—John 21:15-17:

一 这是把使徒的职事与基督天上的职事合并,以照顾神的羊群,就是召会,结果带进基督的身体。

A. This is to incorporate the apostolic ministry with Christ's heavenly ministry to take care of God's flock,which is the church that issues in the Body of Christ.

二 以下使徒保罗的话,证实这事:

B. The following words of the apostle Paul confirm this:

1 “圣灵立你们作全群的监督,你们就当为自己谨慎,也为全群谨慎,牧养神的召会,就是祂用自己的血所买来的”─徒二十28。

1. "Take heed to yourselves and to all the flock,among whom the Holy Spirit has placed you as overseers to shepherd the church of God,which He obtained through His own blood"—Acts 20:28.

2 “必有凶暴的豺狼进入你们中间,不爱惜羊群”─29节。

2. "Fierce wolves will come in among you,not sparing the flock"—v.29.

3 “神……凭永约之血,领群羊的大牧人我们的主耶稣,从死人中上来”─来十三20。

3. "God...brought up from the dead our Lord Jesus,the great Shepherd of the sheep,in the blood of an eternal covenant"—Heb.13:20.

肆 彼得对主的这个托付印象非常深刻,以致:

IV. Peter was so impressed with this commission of the Lord that:

一 在他的前书里,他告诉信徒,他们好像羊走迷了路,如今却归到他们魂的牧人和监督(基督)了─彼前二25。

A. In his first book he tells the believers that they were like sheep being led astray,but they have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer (Christ) of their souls—1 Pet.2:25.

二 他劝勉长老,务要牧养他们中间神的群羊,好使他们在牧长显现的时候,得着那不能衰残的荣耀冠冕─五1~4。

B. He exhorts the elders to shepherd the flock of God among them so that when the Chief Shepherd is manifested,they will receive the unfading crown of glory—5:1-4.

三 彼得告诉长老们,务要按着神牧养神的群羊─1~2节:

C. Peter tells the elders that their obligation is to shepherd God's flock according to God—vv.1-2:

1 “按着神”,意思就是我们必须活神;我们必须随时随处有神。

1. According to God means that we must live God; we must have God on hand.

2 当我们与神是一,我们就在生命和性情上,但不在神格上成为神;于是在我们牧养别人时,我们就有神并且就是代理的神。

2. When we are one with God,we become God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead; then we have God and are the acting God in our shepherding of others.

3 按着神牧养,意即按着神属性的所是─爱、光、圣、义─牧养。

3. To shepherd according to God is to shepherd according to what God is in His attributes—love,light,holiness,and righteousness.

4 按着神牧养,意即按着神的性情、心意、作法和荣耀牧养,不按着人的偏好、兴趣和目的。

4. To shepherd according to God is to shepherd according to God's nature,desire,way,and glory,not according to man's preference,interest,and purpose.

四 彼得的话指明,基督天上的职事主要的是牧养神的召会,就是祂的群羊,结果带进祂的身体。

D. Peter's word indicates that the heavenly ministry of Christ is mainly to shepherd the church of God as His flock,which issues in His Body.

伍 使徒职事与基督天上职事合并的主要目的和目标,乃是要建造基督的身体,终极完成新耶路撒冷,以完成神永远的经纶。

V. The main purpose and goal of the apostolic ministry incorporated with Christ's heavenly ministry are to build up the Body of Christ,which will consummate the New Jerusalem for the accomplishment of the eternal economy of God.

陆 为着神永远经纶的主要目的和终极完成而牧养神的群羊,这件事甚至在雅歌中也提到:

VI. The matter of shepherding God's flock for the main purpose and ultimate consummation of the eternal economy of God is referred to even in Song of Songs:

一 “我心所爱的啊,求你告诉我,你在何处牧放羊群〔为着满足〕?晌午在何处使羊群歇卧〔为着安息〕?”─一7上。

A. "Tell me,you whom my soul loves,Where do you pasture your flock [for satisfaction]? Where do you make it lie down at noon [for rest]?"—1:7a.

二 “只管出去跟随羊群的脚踪,把你的山羊羔牧放在牧人帐棚的旁边”─8节下。

B. "Go forth on the footsteps of the flock,And pasture your young goats By the shepherds' tents"—v.8b.

三 “我的良人属我,我也属他;他在百合花〔以单一的心,过着信靠神的生活,而寻求基督的人〕中牧放群羊”─二16。

C. "My beloved is mine,and I am his; He pastures his flock among the lilies [the seekers of Christ who live a life of trusting in God with a single heart]"—2:16.

四 “我属我的良人,我的良人也属我;他在百合花中牧放群羊”─六3。

D. "I am my beloved's,and my beloved is mine; He pastures his flock among the lilies"—6:3.

柒 约翰福音若没有二十一章这样一篇附言,就没有充分而圆满的结束:

VII. Without John 21 as such an appendix,the Gospel of John does not have an adequate and complete ending:

一 如果我们不认识牧养是什么,整卷约翰福音对我们就是空洞的;唯有我们牧养别人时,我们才能内在地认识约翰福音;牧养乃是开启约翰福音的钥匙。

A. If we do not know what shepherding is,the entire Gospel of John will be in vain to us; it is only when we shepherd others that we can know John in an intrinsic way; shepherding is the key to the Gospel of John.

二 我们必须以牧养的路来传福音并复兴召会:

B. We must take the shepherding way to preach the gospel and revive the church:

1 我们不该作主辖管所委托我们的产业,乃该作群羊的榜样─彼前五3。

1. We must not lord it over God's allotments but become patterns of the flock—1 Pet.5:3.

2 我们必须愿意作圣徒们的奴仆,并且必须谦卑自己在圣徒之下。

2. We must be willing to be slaves to the saints and must humble ourselves under the saints.

3 长老们必须彼此牧养,彼此相爱,作身体生活的模型。

3. The elders should shepherd one another and love one another to be a model of the Body life.

4 我们必须在每件事上并在每一方面照料圣徒,为着将基督分赐到他们里面。

4. We must take care of the saints in everything and in every way for the dispensing of Christ into them.

5 我们必须接触、探访圣徒,并邀请他们到家中用餐。

5. We must contact and visit the saints and invite them to our home for meals.

捌 我们必须照着主耶稣在祂尽职时的榜样牧养人,以完成神永远的经纶─太九36,约十11:

VIII. We need to shepherd people according to the pattern of the Lord Jesus in His ministry for carrying out God's eternal economy—Matt.9:36; John 10:11:

一 在路加十五章里,主耶稣揭示三一神对罪人拯救的爱:

A. In Luke 15 the Lord Jesus unveiled the saving love of the Triune God for sinners:

1 我们必须跟随经过过程之三一神寻找并得着堕落之人的步骤─1~10、17~18节。

1. We need to follow the steps of the processed Triune God in seeking and gaining fallen people—vv.1-10,17-18.

2 我们没有父的爱和赦免的心,也没有救主牧养和寻找的灵,这是我们不结果子的原因。

2. Our not having the Father's loving and forgiving heart and the Savior's shepherding and seeking spirit is the reason for our barrenness.

3 我们必须在耶稣的人性里顾惜人(使他们快乐,并使他们觉得愉快和舒适)─太九10,路七34。

3. We need to cherish people (to make them happy and to make them feel pleasant and comfortable) in the humanity of Jesus—Matt.9:10; Luke 7:34.

4 我们必须在基督的神性里喂养人(以那在三个时期中尽其职事之包罗万有的基督喂养他们)─太二四45~47。

4. We need to nourish people (to feed them with the all-inclusive Christ in His ministry of three stages) in the divinity of Christ—Matt.24:45-47.

二 基督不是来作审判官,乃是来作医生,医治、恢复、点活并拯救患麻风(八2~4)、瘫痪(5~13,九2~8)、发烧(八14~15)、被鬼附(16、28~32)、患各样疾病的(16)以及受人藐视的税吏并罪人(九9~11),使他们能被重新构成,成为祂属天国度的子民─12~13节。

B. Christ came not as a Judge but as a Physician to heal,recover,enliven,and save the lepers (8:2-4),paralytics (vv.5-13; 9:2-8),the fever-ridden (8:14-15),the demon-possessed (vv.16,28-32),those ill with all kinds of diseases (v.16),despised tax collectors,and sinners (9:9-11) that they might be reconstituted to become people of His heavenly kingdom—vv.12-13.

三 祂必须经过撒玛利亚,特意绕道去叙加,要得着一个不道德的妇人,借着请那妇人给祂水喝而顾惜她,好用涌流的三一神作生命的水喂养她─约四3~14。

C. He had to pass through Samaria,purposely detouring to Sychar to gain one immoral woman,cherishing her by asking her to give Him something to drink that He might nourish her with the flowing Triune God as the water of life—John 4:3-14.

四 祂是没有罪的一位,但祂不定罪那行淫的妇人,却顾惜她,在法理一面赦免她的罪,并在生机一面使她从罪得自由─八1~11、32、36。

D. As the One without sin,He did not condemn the adulterous woman but cherished her by forgiving her sins judicially and setting her free from her sins organically—8:1-11,32,36.

五 祂到耶利哥,只是为着要探访并得着一个人,就是税吏长,而祂的传扬乃是一种牧养─路十九1~10。

E. He went to Jericho just to visit and gain one person,a chief tax collector,and His preaching was a shepherding—Luke 19:1-10.

六 祂借着给孩子们按手而顾惜那些父母─太十九13~15。

F. He cherished the parents by laying His hands on their children—Matt.19:13-15.

七 基督借着钉十字架而拯救的第一个人,乃是一个判处死刑的强盗─路二三42~43。

G. The first one saved by Christ through His crucifixion was a robber sentenced to death—Luke 23:42-43.

八 在祂天上的职事里,基督这位大祭司胸间束着金带,正在顾惜并喂养众召会─启一12~13。

H. In His heavenly ministry Christ as the High Priest,with a golden girdle about His breasts,is cherishing and nourishing the churches—Rev.1:12-13.

九 在祂天上的职事里,基督是群羊的大牧人,要根据神的永约终极完成新耶路撒冷─来十三20~21。

I. In His heavenly ministry Christ is the great Shepherd of the sheep to consummate the New Jerusalem according to God's eternal covenant—Heb.13:20-21.

玖 使徒是他们所传之福音的榜样─“你们知道,我们在你们中间,为你们的缘故是怎样为人”─帖前一5下:

IX. The apostles were a pattern of the glad tidings that they spread—"you know what kind of men we were among you for your sake"—1 Thes.1:5b:

一 在召会里,人比什么都要紧;人就是方法,人就是主的工作;你所是的,就是你所作的─约五19,六57,腓一19~26,徒二十18~35,太七17~18,十二33~37。

A. In the church the most important thing is the person; the person is the way,and the person is the Lord's work; what you are is what you do—John 5:19; 6:57; Phil.1:19-26; Acts 20:18-35; Matt.7:17-18; 12:33-37.

二 我们需要跟随使徒的榜样,注意生命过于工作─约十二24,林后四12。

B. We need to follow the pattern of the apostles to pay more attention to life than to work—John 12:24; 2 Cor.4:12.

三 保罗牧养圣徒,就像乳养的母亲和劝勉的父亲一样─帖前二7~8、11~12。

C. Paul shepherded the saints as a nursing mother and an exhorting father—1 Thes.2:7-8,11-12.

四 保罗牧养在以弗所的圣徒,“或在公众面前,或挨家挨户”(徒二十20)教导他们,并且流泪劝戒每一位圣徒,甚至三年之久(31、19),将神一切的旨意告诉他们(27)。─引用经文

D. Paul shepherded the saints in Ephesus by teaching them "publicly and from house to house" (Acts 20:20) and by admonishing each one of the saints with tears even for as long as three years (vv.31,19),declaring to them all the counsel of God (v.27).

五 保罗亲密的关切信徒─林后七3,门7、12。

E. He had an intimate concern for the believers—2 Cor.7:3; Philem.7,12.

六 他下到软弱之人的水平上,好使他能得着他们─林后十一28~29,林前九22,参太十二20。

F. He came down to the weak ones' level so that he could gain them—2 Cor.11:28-29; 1 Cor.9:22; cf.Matt.12:20.

七 为着圣徒的缘故,他乐意花费他所有的,指他的财物;并花费他所是的,指他这人─林后十二15。

G. He was willing to spend what he had,referring to his possessions,and to spend what he was,referring to his being,for the sake of the saints—2 Cor.12:15.

八 他是奠祭,与基督这产生酒的是一,牺牲他自己,使别人得以享受基督─腓二17,士九13,弗三2。

H. He was a drink offering,one with Christ as the wine producer,sacrificing himself for others' enjoyment of Christ—Phil.2:17; Judg.9:13; Eph.3:2.

九 保罗在他的教训里指明,召会是养育人的家,是医治并恢复人的医院,也是教导并造就人的学校─二19,帖前五14,林前十四31。

I. Paul indicated in his teaching that the church is a home to raise up people,a hospital to heal and recover them,and a school to teach and edify them—2:19; 1 Thes.5:14; 1 Cor.14:31.

拾 “我盼望因着我们接受有关牧养的这个负担,在我们中间会有真正的复兴。众召会若都接受这教训,有分于基督奇妙的牧养,在主的恢复里就会有一次大的复兴”(活力排,四九页)─参诗二二~二四(二二1注1与二四1注1)。─引用经文

X. "I hope that there will be a genuine revival among us by our receiving this burden of shepherding.If all the churches receive this teaching to participate in Christ's wonderful shepherding,there will be a big revival in the recovery" (The Vital Groups,p.40)—cf.Psa.22—24 (footnote 1 on 22:1 and footnote 1 on 24:1).



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