第五篇 认识爱主的意义,在不朽坏之中爱主耶稣基督,并在爱和光中行事为人

Knowing the Significance of Loving the Lord, Loving the Lord Jesus Christ in Incorruptibility, and Walking in Love and Light



壹 我们需要认识爱主的意义─可十二30,林前二9:

I. We need to know the significance of loving the Lord—Mark 12:30; 1 Cor.2:9:

一 爱主就是让祂活在我们里面并替我们活,并领悟祂渴望有一个住处使祂能得着彰显─弗三16~17。

A. To love the Lord is to allow Him to live in us and for us and is to realize that He desires a dwelling place so that He can be expressed—Eph.3:16-17.

二 我们信入主,乃是为了接受祂;我们爱祂,乃是为着享受祂─多三15。

B. Our believing into the Lord is for our receiving Him,and our loving Him is for our enjoying Him—Titus 3:15.

三 爱主乃是要停下我们的作为,让主全然占有我们这人─弗三16~19,加四19。

C. To love the Lord is to be stopped from our doing and is to let Him take full possession of our being—Eph.3:16-19; Gal.4:19.

四 表达我们对主的爱最好的方式乃是说,“主耶稣,我向你敞开,完全占有我。主,我爱你,我将自己交给你,我向你敞开。多而又多地拥有我,直至你达到我这人的每一部分,并且安家在我里面。”

D. The best way to express our love toward the Lord is to say,"Lord Jesus,I open to You.Take full possession of me.Lord,I love You.I present myself to You.I am open to You.Possess me more and more until You reach every part of my being and make Your home in me."

五 按照哥林多前书,我们要爱主就需要接受祂作我们的分,给我们享受(一2、9,五7~8,十3~4),让祂在我们里面长大(三6),并领悟我们与祂是一灵(六17)。─引用经文

E. According to 1 Corinthians,in order to love the Lord,we need to take Him as our portion for our enjoyment (1:2,9; 5:7-8; 10:3-4),allow Him to grow in us (3:6),and realize that we are one spirit with Him (6:17).

六 我们爱主,是借着完全让主占有,并爱祂的显现─提后四8:

F. We love the Lord by being fully occupied by Him and loving His appearing—2 Tim.4:8:

1 成为爱神的人,乃是被神完全占有、拥有并接管─弗三16~19,加四19。

1. To be a lover of God is to be fully occupied,possessed,and taken over by God—Eph.3:16-19; Gal.4:19.

2 我们若这样爱主,就会爱祂的显现─提后四8:

2. If we love the Lord in this way,we will love His appearing—2 Tim.4:8:

a 按照保罗的话,有冠冕为那些爱主显现的人存留─8节。

a. According to Paul's word,a crown is laid up for those who love the Lord's appearing—v.8.

b 如果我们不爱主,祂的来临将是审判的事(林前十六22);但如果我们爱祂和祂的显现,我们就会得着奖赏。─引用经文

b. If we do not love the Lord,His coming will be a matter of judgment (1 Cor.16:22),but if we love Him and His appearing,we will receive a prize.

贰 “愿恩典与一切在不朽坏之中,爱我们主耶稣基督的人同在”─弗六24:

II. "Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in incorruptibility"—Eph.6:24:

一 按照保罗著作中的用法,“不朽坏”这辞主要是指神和属神的事物;任何天然的事物都是会朽坏的,但神、神圣的生命以及所有在复活中的事物乃是不朽坏的─提前一17,提后一10,林前十五42、52~54。

A. According to the usage of incorruptible in the writings of Paul,this word refers mainly to God and the things of God; everything natural is corruptible,but God,the divine life,and all things that are in resurrection are incorruptible—1 Tim.1:17; 2 Tim.1:10; 1 Cor.15:42,52-54.

二 在不朽坏之中爱我们的主耶稣基督,意思就是在新造里,并照着以弗所书所启示一切不朽坏的事项爱祂:

B. To love our Lord Jesus Christ in incorruptibility means to love Him in the new creation and according to all the incorruptible things revealed in Ephesians:

1 我们需要在祂作为三一神的具体化身(西二9),作为身体的成分(林前十二12),作为实际、恩典、平安、爱和光(约一17,八12,十四6、27,约壹四8),并作为一个新人的构成成分里(弗二15,西三10~11)来爱主耶稣。─引用经文

1. We need to love the Lord Jesus in His being the embodiment of the Triune God (Col.2:9); in His being the element of the Body (1 Cor.12:12); in His being reality,grace,peace,love,and light (John 1:17; 8:12; 14:6,27; 1 John 4:8); and in His being the constituent of the one new man (Eph.2:15; Col.3:10-11).

2 所有这些事物都与以弗所书中所启示并教导的有关,包括三一神、基督和祂的身体─召会。

2. All these things are related to what is revealed in and taught in Ephesians,including the Triune God,Christ,and His Body,the church.

3 以弗所书说到三一神的分赐以产生召会(一3~23,三16~21),基督为着召会的所是并所作(一7,二13~18,五25~27、29),以及召会是基督的身体、是基督的新妇并且在诸天界里与基督成为一(一22~23,五23、25~27,二6)。─引用经文

3. Ephesians speaks concerning the dispensing of the Triune God to produce the church (1:3-23; 3:16-21),concerning what Christ is and has done for the church (1:7; 2:13-18; 5:25-27,29),and concerning the church being the Body of Christ,being the bride of Christ,and being one with Christ in the heavenlies (1:22-23; 5:23,25-27; 2:6).

4 所有这些都是不朽坏的,我们需要在这些不朽坏的事物中爱主:

4. All these matters are incorruptible,and we need to love the Lord in these incorruptible things:

a 如果我们在这一切事上爱主,我们向着祂的爱就是不朽坏的─六24。

a. If we love the Lord Jesus in all these things,our love toward Him will be incorruptible—6:24.

b 这样的爱不是天然的爱,乃是在复活里的爱;这爱就是神自己在祂神圣的素质里─约壹四16。

b. Such a love is not a natural love—it is a love in resurrection,the love that God Himself is in His divine essence—1 John 4:16.

三 在主的恢复里,我们需要在以弗所书所启示一切神圣、属灵、属天、不朽坏的事物中,来爱我们的主耶稣基督;这些事物乃是关于三一神、神圣的生命、基督之于我们的所是、祂的所作以及召会─一3~23,二5~6,13~18,三16~21,四4~6,五23、25~27。

C. In the Lord's recovery we need to love our Lord Jesus Christ in all the divine,spiritual,heavenly,and incorruptible things revealed in Ephesians concerning the Triune God,the divine life,what Christ is to us,what He has done,and the church—1:3-23; 2:5-6,13-18; 3:16-21; 4:4-6; 5:23,25-27.

叁 我们这些神的儿女越在不朽坏之中爱主,就越在爱和光中行事为人─1~14节:

III. The more we love the Lord in incorruptibility,the more we,as children of God,will walk in love and light—vv.1-14:

一 我们这些神的儿女乃是神人,由神而生,有神的生命和性情,属于神的种类─1节,约壹三1,约一12~13:

A. As the children of God,we are God-men,born of God,possessing the life and nature of God,and belonging to the species of God—v.1; 1 John 3:1; John 1:12-13:

1 神是我们真实、真正的父,我们是祂真实、真正的儿女─约壹三1,弗五1。

1. God is our real,genuine,Father,and we are His real,genuine,children—1 John 3:1; Eph.5:1.

2 宇宙中最大的奇迹,乃是人类竟能从神而生,罪人竟能成为神的儿女─约壹三1、9,四7,五1、4、18,约一12~13:

2. The greatest wonder in the universe is that human beings could be begotten of God and that sinners could be made children of God—1 John 3:1,9; 4:7; 5:1,4,18; John 1:12-13:

a 我们既是由神圣的生命所生,有神圣的生命,我们这些神的儿女就是神圣的人─约壹五11~13,三1、10。

a. Since we have been born of the divine life and possess the divine life,we,the children of God,are divine persons—1 John 5:11-13; 3:1,10.

b 我们这些由神所生的人,不仅有神圣的生命,也有神圣的性情─彼后一4。

b. As those who have been born of God,we have not only the divine life but also the divine nature—2 Pet.1:4.

二 我们这些神的儿女应当在爱和光中行事为人─弗五2、8:

B. As the children of God,we should walk in love and light—Eph.5:2,8:

1 爱是神内在的本质,光是神外显的元素─约壹四8、16,一5。

1. Love is the inner substance of God,and light is the expressed element of God—1 John 4:8,16; 1:5.

2 我们这些神儿女的日常行事为人,该由神爱的本质和神照耀的元素二者所构成;这该是我们行事为人内在的源头─弗五2、8。

2. Our daily walk as children of God should be constituted with both the loving substance of God and the shining element of God; this should be the inner source of our walk—Eph.5:2,8.

3 “要在爱里行事为人,正如基督爱我们,为我们舍了自己,作供物和祭物献与神,成为馨香之气”─2节:

3. "Walk in love,even as Christ also loved us and gave Himself up for us,an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling savor"—v.2:

a 以弗所书的目标,乃是要带我们进入神的爱,就是祂内在的本质里,使我们在甜美的神圣之爱里享受祂的同在,而像基督一样地爱别人─25节:

a. The goal of the book of Ephesians is to bring us into love as the inner substance of God so that we may enjoy His presence in the sweetness of the divine love and thereby love others as Christ did—v.25:

㈠ 在爱的情形与气氛中,我们被神浸透,在祂面前成为圣别、没有瑕疵─一4。

1) In the condition and atmosphere of love,we are saturated with God to be holy and without blemish before Him—1:4.

㈡ 我们在其中为着长大而生根并为着建造而立基的爱,乃是我们实际认识并经历之神圣的爱─三17。

2) The love in which we are rooted for growth and grounded for building is the divine love realized and experienced by us in a practical way—3:17.

㈢ 基督的爱就是基督自己,是不可度量并且超越知识的,但我们能借着经历认识这爱─19节。

3) The love of Christ,which is Christ Himself,is immeasurable and knowledge-surpassing,yet we can know it by experiencing it—v.19.

㈣ 基督的身体在爱里把自己建造起来;为着建造基督的身体,凡我们的所是或所作,爱乃是极超越的路─四16,林前十二31。

4) The Body of Christ builds itself up in love; love is the most excellent way for us to be anything and to do anything for the building up of the Body of Christ—4:16; 1 Cor.12:31.

b 我们已经重生,成为神的种类,我们这些神的儿女应当是爱,因为神就是爱;我们既在生命和性情上成为神,也就应当成为爱─约壹四8、16。

b. As those who have been regenerated to become God's species,we,the children of God,should be love because God is love; since we become God in life and in nature,we also should become love—1 John 4:8,16.

4 “你们从前是黑暗,但如今在主里面乃是光,行事为人就要像光的儿女”─弗五8:

4. "You were once darkness but are now light in the Lord; walk as children of light"—Eph.5:8:

a 神是光,所以我们这些神的儿女,也是光的儿女─约壹一5,弗五8,约十二36。

a. As God is light,so we,the children of God,are children of light—1 John 1:5; Eph.5:8; John 12:36.

b 我们不仅是光的儿女,并且就是光的本身;我们是光,因为我们在主里与神是一─太五14,约壹一5。

b. We are not only children of light—we are light itself; we are light because we are one with God in the Lord—Matt.5:14; 1 John 1:5.

c 当我们在光中时,我们就在对错的范围之外─7节。

c. When we are in the light,we are outside the realm of right and wrong—v.7.

d 如果我们行事为人像光的儿女,我们就会结出以弗所五章九节所描述的果子:─引用经文

d. If we walk as children of light,we will bear the fruit described in Ephesians 5:9:

㈠ 光的果子,性质上必须是善的,手续上必须是义的,彰显上必须是真实的,使神得以彰显,成为我们日常行事为人的实际。

1) The fruit of the light must be good in nature,righteous in procedure,and real in expression,that God may be expressed as the reality of our daily walk.

㈡ 在善、义和真实中之光的果子,与三一神有关:

2) The fruit of the light in goodness,righteousness,and truth is related to the Triune God:

⑴ 父神就是善,乃是光之果子的性质;因此,在九节的善,指着父神─太十九17。

a) God the Father as goodness is the nature of the fruit of the light; therefore,goodness in verse 9 refers to God the Father—Matt.19:17.

⑵ 义,指着子神,因为基督照着神义的手续,成就神的定旨─罗五17~18、21。

b) Righteousness refers to God the Son,for Christ came to accomplish God's purpose according to God's righteous procedure—Rom.5:17-18,21.

⑶ 真实,就是光之果子的彰显,指着灵神,因为祂是实际的灵─约十四17,十六13。

c) Truth,the expression of the fruit of the light,refers to God the Spirit,for He is the Spirit of reality—John 14:17; 16:13.

⑷ 我们行事为人像光的儿女,证据乃是看有没有结出这种果子。

d) The proof that we are walking as children of light is seen in the bearing of such fruit.



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