第四篇 领头者的心与灵

The Heart and Spirit of a Leading One



壹 神应许祂的选民,祂要赐他们新心与新灵,又要将祂的灵放在他们里面─结三六26~27:

I. God's promise to His chosen ones was that He would give them a new heart and a new spirit and that He would put His Spirit within them—Ezek.36:26-27:

一 我们都需要新的开始,以维持我们心与灵的新鲜─林后四16,罗七6,参箴四23,彼前三4。

A. We all need a new start to maintain the newness of our heart and our spirit—2 Cor.4:16; Rom.7:6; cf.Prov.4:23; 1 Pet.3:4.

二 我们的心是爱的器官,我们的灵是接受的器官;当我们在堕落退后的情形里,我们的心向主是刚硬的,我们的灵是死的─弗二1,四18。

B. Our heart is our loving organ,and our spirit is our receiving organ; while we are in a fallen or backslidden state,our heart toward the Lord is stony and hard,and our spirit is deadened—Eph.2:1; 4:18.

三 当主拯救或复兴我们时,祂更新我们的心,使我们的石心变为肉心,就是柔软并爱祂的心;不仅如此,祂用祂神圣的生命点活并更新我们的灵─参林后三3,西二13。

C. When the Lord saves us or revives us,He renews our heart,making our stony heart a heart of flesh,a heart that is soft and loving toward Him; furthermore,He enlivens and renews our spirit with His divine life—cf.2 Cor.3:3; Col.2:13.

四 结果我们就用更新的心爱主、渴望祂,并且借着运用更新的灵,就能接触祂、接受祂并盛装祂。

D. As a result,we love the Lord and desire Him with our renewed heart,and we can contact Him,receive Him,and contain Him by exercising our renewed spirit.

贰 新约开始就说到我们的心和我们的灵─太三2,约三6:

II. The New Testament begins by speaking of our heart and our spirit—Matt.3:2; John 3:6:

一 在新约里施浸者约翰首先传福音,宣告说,“你们要悔改,因为诸天的国已经临近了”─太三2:

A. John the Baptist first preached the gospel in the New Testament by declaring,"Repent,for the kingdom of the heavens has drawn near"—Matt.3:2:

1 按照希腊原文,悔改就是心思改变,或想法转变;因为心思是心的主要部分,悔改就是心的问题。

1. According to the Greek,to repent is to have a change in our mind or a turn in our thinking; because the mind is the main part of the heart,to repent is a matter of the heart.

2 彻底悔改的心就会成为新心;因为我们的神是生命的神,也是全能的,祂借着变化我们的心而赐给我们新心─林后三16、18。

2. A thoroughly repentant heart will become a new heart; because our God is a God of life and is all-powerful,He gives us a new heart by transforming our heart—2 Cor.3:16,18.

二 柔软的心乃是被变化的心,就是新心;我们信徒需要一再地悔改;每次我们悔改,我们的心就更被变化并更新;在启示录二至三章,主一再地呼召众召会要悔改─二5、16、21~22,三3、19。

B. A softened heart is a transformed heart,a new heart; we believers need to repent again and again; every time we repent,our heart will be more transformed and renewed; in Revelation 2 and 3 the Lord repeatedly calls the churches to repent—2:5,16,21-22; 3:3,19.

叁 一个人作为领头者,必须有宽宏的心:

III. As a leading one,a person must have an enlarged heart:

一 领头者必须有宽大的心─诗一一九32:

A. A leading one must be large in heart—Psa.119:32:

1 我们必须是真正新约的执事,有宽宏的心,带着供应的生命(就是多结果子的生命)之亲密的关切─林后七2~3:

1. We must be genuine ministers of the new covenant,having an enlarged heart with the intimate concern of the ministering life,which is a fruitful life—2 Cor.7:2-3:

a 使徒有宽宏的心,能容纳所有的信徒,不论他们的光景如何;使徒也有张开的口,率直地向所有的信徒指出他们误入歧途的真实光景─六11。

a. With an enlarged heart the apostles were able to embrace all believers regardless of their condition,and with an opened mouth they were able to speak to all believers frankly concerning the real situation into which they had been misled—6:11.

b 要将误入歧途、被岔开的信徒带回与神和好,需要这样的敞开与宽宏。

b. This kind of openness and enlargement is needed to reconcile,to bring back,the misled or distracted believers to God.

2 所罗门王会治理神的百姓,因他有智慧和宽广的心;这二者乃是一件事的两面:

2. Solomon was competent to oversee God's people because he had wisdom and a large heart,which are two aspects of one thing:

a 虽然他只求智慧和知识,好在神的百姓中出入(王上三5~9,代下一10),神却给他“宽广的心,如同海边的沙那样不可测量”(王上四29)。─引用经文

a. Though he only asked for the wisdom and knowledge to go out and come in among God's people (1 Kings 3:5-9; 2 Chron.1:10),God gave him "largeness of heart,even as the sand that is on the seashore" (1 Kings 4:29).

b 海沙是包括海的,神“用沙为界限,使海不得越过”(耶五22);这表明所罗门的心比海还大。─引用经文

b. The seashore encloses the sea,God having "set the sand as a boundary for the sea" (Jer.5:22); this shows that Solomon's heart was larger than the sea.

二 今天很多地方召会中的难处,都是因为长老们的心不够宽大;骄傲是愚昧的一种表现,由于心窄小:

B. There are difficulties in many local churches today because the elders do not have a large heart; pride,an expression of foolishness,comes from having a narrow heart:

1 骄傲是我们天生堕落性情的属性。

1. Pride is an attribute of our fallen nature by birth.

2 主甚至对保罗也提防他过于高抬自己,所以让从撒但来的一根刺,加在他的肉体上─林后十二7~9。

2. Even with Paul,the Lord was wary of his exceeding exaltation of himself,so He let him have a thorn in his flesh from Satan—2 Cor.12:7-9.

3 因此,使徒保罗教导说,初信的不可作召会的监督,恐怕他为高傲所蒙蔽,就落在为魔鬼所预备的审判里─提前三6。

3. Hence,the apostle Paul taught that a new convert should not be an overseer of the church,lest being blinded with pride he fall into the judgment prepared for the devil—1 Tim.3:6.

4 一直要记住,谦卑要救你免去各种的毁坏,而邀来神的恩典─雅四6。

4. Always remember that humility saves you from all kinds of destruction and invites God's grace—James 4:6.

5 骄傲使你成为一个绝顶愚昧的人。

5. Pride makes you a top fool.

6 在主工作中的争竞,不仅是雄心的表记,也是骄傲的表记。

6. Rivalry in the Lord's work is not only a sign of ambition but also a sign of pride.

7 只顾自己的威望,而忽略别人的尊严,乃是狡猾骄傲的表记。

7. Caring for your prestige and neglecting others' dignity are a sign of subtle pride.

8 提到自己的才能、成功、完全和美德,乃是骄傲的一种轻率形态。

8. Referring to your capacity,success,perfection,and virtue is a careless form of pride.

9 看自己过于所当看的,是骄傲的另一种形态,抹煞身体生活中正确并生机的等次─罗十二3。

9. Thinking more highly of yourself than you ought to think is another form of pride and annuls the proper and organic order in the Body life—Rom.12:3.

10 基督在祂的人性里降卑自己,来洗门徒的脚,这给我们一个好模型,如何降卑自己,而逃避骄傲─约十三3~5。

10. Christ in His humanity humbling Himself to wash His disciples' feet gives us a good model of how to humble ourselves to escape from pride—John 13:3-5.

11 争论谁为大,乃是骄傲的丑陋形态─可九34。

11. Arguing about who is greater is an ugly form of pride—Mark 9:34.

12 想要为大,不想作仆役;想要为首,不想作奴仆,也都是骄傲的表记─太二十26~27。

12. Wanting to be great and not to be a servant and wanting to be the first and not to be a slave are also signs of pride—Matt.20:26-27.

13 作主宰辖管在你牧养下之召会的众肢体,乃是你骄傲的一个很强的表记─彼前五3。

13. Lording it over the members of your church under your shepherding is a strong sign of your pride—1 Pet.5:3.

14 使徒保罗给我们看见一个好的模型─提前一16:

14. The apostle Paul presented us with a good model—1 Tim.1:16:

a 他传基督为主,也传自己为主的缘故,作信徒的奴仆─林后四5。

a. He preached Christ as the Lord and himself as the believers' slave for the Lord's sake—2 Cor.4:5.

b 他见证说,无论谁软弱,他也软弱;并且向软弱的人,他就成为软弱的,为要得着软弱的人─十一29,林前九22。

b. He testified that whoever was weak,he also was weak,and that to the weak he became weak that he might gain the weak—11:29; 1 Cor.9:22.

15 用温柔(谦卑的温和表现)挽回一个偶然为某种过犯所胜的弟兄,就保护我们不受同样的试诱─加六1。

15. To restore a brother,overtaken in some offense,with meekness (a gentle expression of humility) protects us from being tempted also—Gal.6:1.

16 自夸、自高、自荣、贪图虚荣,都是骄傲的丑陋、卑下的表现一五26。─引用经文

16. Self-boasting,self-exaltation,self-glorification,and lusting after vainglory are all ugly and base expressions of pride—5:26.

三 各地领头人要把心放大,就要到外地去走一走;若是环境许可,能到海外去走一走,那是更好;我们越有分于主的行动,就看见得越多─结一15~21。

C. In order to enlarge their heart,the leading ones in different localities should go to visit other places; if circumstances allow,it would be even better to travel overseas; the more we participate in the Lord's move,the more we see—Ezek.1:15-21.

四 人得罪了你,你能饶恕他,这是心宽大的问题;若是你和弟兄们有争执,十之八九都是因为你的心窄小─太六14~15。

D. The ability to forgive others when they have offended you is a matter of largeness of heart; if we have an argument with a brother,it is mostly because of the narrowness of our heart—Matt.6:14-15.

肆 主耶稣在施浸者约翰之后教导说,我们需要在灵里从那灵而生─约三6:

IV. The Lord Jesus followed John the Baptist by teaching that we need to be born of the Spirit in our spirit—John 3:6:

一 我们的灵再生一次,是当神作为那灵进入其中,以神圣的生命重生我们时;重生就是人在天然的生命之外,得着神永远的生命,作为新人的新源头和新元素。

A. Our spirit is born again when God as the Spirit enters into it to regenerate us with the divine life; to be regenerated is to have the divine,eternal life (in addition to the human,natural life) as the new source and new element of a new person.

二 我们需要悔改,好使我们得着新心;我们也需要信入主耶稣,好使我们的灵重生成为新灵。

B. We need to repent in order to have a new heart,and we need to believe into the Lord Jesus so that our spirit will be reborn to become a new spirit.

三 我们需要爱的心和大能的灵─可十二30,提后一7。

C. We need a loving heart and a powerful spirit—Mark 12:30; 2 Tim.1:7.

四 领头人必须是属灵的人,有操练过的灵;他必须是由他的灵所管理、支配、引导、带领并控制的;刚强的灵乃是对神子民中的领导者首要的要求─提前四7,林前二15,十四32,约四24,林后二13,罗一9,八16,林前六17。

D. A leading one must be a spiritual man with an exercised spirit; he must be dominated,governed,directed,led,and controlled by his spirit; a strong spirit is the main requirement for the leadership among God's people—1 Tim.4:7; 1 Cor.2:15; 14:32; John 4:24; 2 Cor.2:13; Rom.1:9; 8:16; 1 Cor.6:17.

五 我们能借着在灵的新样里服事(罗七6,一9)并操练信心的灵(林后四13),维持灵的新鲜;信心不是在我们的心思里,乃是在我们那与圣灵调和的灵里(罗八16,林前六17);怀疑才是在我们的心思里。─引用经文

E. We can maintain the newness of our spirit by serving in newness of spirit (Rom.7:6; 1:9) and by exercising our spirit of faith (2 Cor.4:13); faith is in our spirit,which is mingled with the Holy Spirit (Rom.8:16; 1 Cor.6:17),not in our mind; doubts are in our mind.

伍 我们必须清心(太五8),并且灵里贫穷(3):─引用经文

V. We need to be pure in heart (Matt.5:8) and poor in spirit (v.3):

一 我们需要清心,使我们看见神;我们也需要灵里倒空,使我们能接受诸天的国。

A. We need a pure heart in order to see God,and we need a spirit that is emptied in order to receive the kingdom of the heavens.

二 清心是只有一个目标和标的;只有神该是我们的目标;甚至我们在召会生活的事奉和尽功用上,除了神自己之外,也不该想要得着什么。

B. To be pure in heart is to be single in our goal and aim; our goal should be God alone; even in our service and function in the church life,we should not have an intention to gain anything but God Himself.

三 我们来到聚会中,若觉得里面是富足的,没有缺乏,这就向神关了门(启三16~17、20);我们要祷告说,“哦主,感谢你,一直与我同在,但我仍然缺少你;我要灵里倒空,好使你在我里面得着更多的空间;哦主,我向你敞开,求你在我的灵里得着更多的立场。”─引用经文

C. If we come to a meeting with a sense that we are inwardly rich and have no need,this will close the door to God (Rev.3:16-17,20); we need to pray,"O Lord,thank You for always being with me,yet I am still short of You; I want to be emptied in my spirit so that You can have more room in me; O Lord,I open to You and ask You to gain more ground within my spirit."

陆 我们需要被加强到我们得重生的灵里,使基督安家在我们心里─弗三16~17:

VI. We need to be strengthened into our regenerated spirit so that Christ may make His home in our hearts—Eph.3:16-17:

一 当一个得救的人被加强到他的灵里,并且心里被基督据有,他的深处就会有一种对召会生活的渴望,他对于何为正确的召会生活也会有内在的认知。

A. When a saved one is strengthened into his spirit and possessed by Christ in his heart,deep within he has a longing for the church life and an inner consciousness concerning what the proper church life is.

二 认识召会,不是外在的,完全是内里的;锡安大道在我们心中,意思是我们需要在里面接受召会的路,而不仅是外面的接受─诗八四5。

B. To know the church is not outward but absolutely inward; that the highways to Zion are in our heart means that we need to take the way of the church internally,not merely externally—Psa.84:5.

三 当我们借着那灵,被加强到我们的灵里,并让基督安家在我们心里,神就能极其充盈地成就一切,超过我们为召会生活所求所想的;倘若所有的圣徒天天都为此祷告,荣耀的召会生活就会扩展并普及全美国和全世界─弗三20~21。

C. When we are strengthened through the Spirit into our spirit and when Christ makes His home in our heart,God is able to do superabundantly above all that we ask or think concerning the church life; if all the saints pray daily for this,the glorious church life will spread and be prevailing throughout the United States and the whole world—Eph.3:20-21.

柒 我们需要在我们的灵里,好看见启示录的异象:

VII. We need to be in our spirit in order to see the visions in the book of Revelation:

一 这卷书是由四个主要的异象构成:众召会(一~三),世界的定命(四~十六),大巴比伦(十七~二十),以及新耶路撒冷(二一~二二);约翰是在灵里看见这四个异象(一10,四2,十七3,二一10);我们也需要在灵里,好看见这卷书中的异象。─引用经文

A. This book is composed of four major visions: the churches (chs.1—3),the destiny of the world (chs.4—16),Babylon the Great (chs.17—20),and the New Jerusalem (chs.21—22); John was in his spirit when he saw these four visions (1:10; 4:2; 17:3; 21:10); we too need to be in our spirit to see the visions in this book.

二 倘若我们祷告三十天,求主加强我们到我们的灵里,并占有我们的心,我们对于整个宇宙的局势,包括召会、世界、大巴比伦和新耶路撒冷,就会有确定的把握。

B. If we pray for thirty days that the Lord would strengthen us into our spirit and take over our heart,we will have a clear view and will be assured concerning the whole situation of the universe,including the church,the world,Babylon the Great,and the New Jerusalem.

捌 主的恢复有赖于我们得更新、得洁净的心,以及我们得更新、被加强的灵;当我们的心完全被基督据有,我们的灵彻底被那灵浸透,神就会有路,这恢复就会得胜地普及出去。

VIII. The Lord's recovery depends upon our renewed,purified heart and our renewed,strengthened spirit; when our heart is fully possessed by Christ and our spirit is thoroughly saturated with the Spirit,God will have a way,and the recovery will be prevailing.



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