第三篇 为着身体生活照着灵而行以活基督

Living Christ by Walking according to the Spirit for the Body Life



壹 我们需要在召会中并为着召会生活而活基督─加一2、15~16,二20,四19:

I. We need to live Christ in and for the church life—Gal.1:2,15-16; 2:20; 4:19:

一 圣经的中心思想乃是:神渴望我们活基督,为着建造基督的身体─腓一21上,弗四12、16:

A. The central thought of the Bible is that God desires us to live Christ for the building up of the Body of Christ—Phil.1:21a; Eph.4:12,16:

1 活基督该是我们基督徒生活主要的目标。

1. The main point of our Christian life is to live Christ.

2 整本圣经神圣启示的最高点,高峰,乃是活基督。

2. The climax,the highest point,of the divine revelation in the entire Bible is to live Christ.

二 新约中有四处主要的经节启示活基督这事─约六57,十四19,加二20,腓一21上。

B. In the New Testament there are four main verses that reveal the matter of living Christ—John 6:57; 14:19; Gal.2:20; Phil.1:21a.

三 基督徒的生活乃是基督的信徒活基督的生活─21节上。

C. The Christian life is the life in which the believers of Christ live Him—v.21a.

四 我们首要关切的,不该是任何外面的事,而是我们在活自己还是活基督─加二20:

D. Our primary concern should not be anything outward but whether we are living the self or living Christ—Gal.2:20:

1 我们常受外在的事打岔,就如我们的工作或地方召会的难处。

1. We are often distracted by outward things,such as our work or the problems in the local churches.

2 事实上,这类难处主要是由于缺少活基督。

2. Actually,such problems are mainly due to a lack of living Christ.

3 当我们活基督时,最能照料召会。

3. When we are living Christ,we are best able to care for the church.

五 我们若要活基督,就必须接受祂作我们的人位,并且与祂成为一个人位─弗三17上,加二20:

E. If we would live Christ,we must take Him as our person and be one person with Him—Eph.3:17a; Gal.2:20:

1 祂与我们必须实际地成为一─林前六17。

1. He and we must be one in a practical way—1 Cor.6:17.

2 活基督乃是活一个人位;我们应该过一种生活,这种生活就是基督自己。

2. To live Christ is to live a person; we should live a life that is Christ Himself.

六 我们应该全神贯注于活基督这件事,只在意活基督,不该让任何事物打岔我们,使我们失去对基督直接、亲身的经历─加二20,腓三9~12。

F. We should focus our whole attention on living Christ and care only to live Christ,not allowing anything to distract us from the direct,personal experience of Christ—Gal.2:20; Phil.3:9-12.

七 活基督需要我们爱祂到至极─可十二30:

G. Living Christ requires that we love Him to the uttermost—Mark 12:30:

1 活基督的秘诀之一,乃是一再地告诉主我们爱祂─林前二9。

1. Part of the secret of living Christ is telling the Lord again and again that we love Him—1 Cor.2:9.

2 我们若不爱基督,就不能活祂。

2. If we do not love the Lord,we cannot live Him.

八 活基督的意思是,当基督活着,我们这些信人祂,现今在祂里面的人也活着─约十四19:

H. To live Christ means that when Christ lives,we who believe into Him and who are in Him also live—John 14:19:

1 我们活在基督的生活里,基督活在我们的生活里。

1. We live in Christ's living,and He lives in our living.

2 我们若活在祂的生活里,祂的生活也必定在我们的生活里─加二20。

2. If we live in His living,His living will also be in our living—Gal.2:20.

贰 活基督实际的路就是照着灵而行─腓一21上,罗八4:

II. The practical way to live Christ is to walk according to the spirit—Phil.1:21a; Rom.8:4:

一 我们需要全心注意照着灵而行以活基督。

A. We need to pay our full attention to walking according to the spirit in order to live Christ.

二 罗马八章四节中的“行”,原文指我们在生活中一般的行事,包括我们的思想、说话、行事并行动。─引用经文

B. The word walk in Romans 8:4 denotes the general walk in our living,including how we think,speak,act,and move.

三 四节这里的灵是我们人重生的灵,由那灵内住并与那灵调和;这与林前六章十七节相符:─引用经文

C. The spirit in verse 4 is the regenerated human spirit indwelt by and mingled with the Spirit; this corresponds to 1 Corinthians 6:17:

1 基督作为那灵在我们的灵里,我们与祂是一灵─17节。

1. Christ as the Spirit is in our spirit,and we are one spirit with Him—v.17.

2 因此,我们有一个调和的灵─我们人的灵与神圣的灵调和。

2. Therefore,we have a mingled spirit—our human spirit mingled with the divine Spirit.

四 圣经最终只向我们要求一件事,就是要我们照着调和的灵而行─罗八4:

D. Ultimately,the Bible requires only one thing of us—that we walk according to the mingled spirit—Rom.8:4:

1 一切的关键都在于祂这位奇妙的灵,在我们这重生的灵里,与我们的灵成为一灵─约三6。

1. The key to everything is found in the wonderful Spirit who is in our regenerated spirit and who has become one spirit with our spirit—John 3:6.

2 照着灵而行乃是在我们的日常生活中,照着灵作一切事─罗八4。

2. To walk in the spirit is to do everything in our daily life according to the spirit—Rom.8:4.

3 活在灵中乃是让基督充满、浸透我们,直到祂浸润我们全人,就从我们彰显出来─弗三17上。

3. To live in the spirit is to let Christ fill and saturate us until He permeates our whole being and is thereby expressed through us—Eph.3:17a.

4 约翰十五章四至五节中的互住,就是照着灵而行的实行。─引用经文

4. The mutual abiding in John 15:4-5 is the practice of walking according to the spirit.

5 当我们照着灵而行,就自然地背十字架─太十六24。

5. When we walk according to the spirit,we spontaneously bear the cross—Matt.16:24.

6 所有发生在我们身上的事,试证我们到底是照着灵而行,还是在肉体里行─罗八4~5。

6. All the things that happen to us test whether we are walking according to the spirit or the flesh—Rom.8:4-5.

7 最能闭撒但口的,就是照着灵而行─启十二11。

7. The best way to silence Satan is to walk according to the spirit—Rev.12:11.

五 我们需要从天上来的清楚景象,好看见主所要的乃是一班照着灵而行的人。

E. We need a clear view from the heavens to see that what the Lord wants is a group of people who walk according to the spirit.

六 领头者首要关切的,应该是帮助众圣徒在日常生活中照着灵而行以活基督─罗八4。

F. The primary concern of the leading ones should be to help the saints to live Christ by walking according to the spirit in their daily life—Rom.8:4.

七 我们在日常生活中不照着灵而行的时候,就是照着肉体而行─5~6节:

G. When we are not walking according to the spirit in our daily life,we are walking according to the flesh—vv.5-6:

1 根据罗马八章,凡不是照着灵的,就是照着肉体。

1. According to Romans 8,anything that is not according to the spirit is according to the flesh.

2 我们的生活只有两个源头和两种光景─灵与肉体。

2. There are only two sources and two conditions of our daily living—the spirit and the flesh.

八 基督徒生活的其他方面,就如传福音,应该是我们照着灵而行的结果─4节:

H. Other aspects of our Christian life,such as preaching the gospel,should be the result of walking according to the spirit—v.4:

1 如果我们终日操练不住地照着灵而行,这种生活会自然产生其他的一切。

1. If we practice to continually walk according to the spirit throughout the day,everything else will spontaneously issue forth.

2 我们的传福音和牧养该是我们照着灵而行的结果─太二四14,约二一15~17。

2. Our gospel preaching and shepherding should be the issue of our walking according to the spirit—Matt.24:14; John 21:15-17.

九 我们首要关切的不该是如何作事,反之,我们需要看见,神要得着一班人照着灵而行以活基督─罗八4。

I. Our primary concern should not be how to do things but to see that God wants a people who live Christ by walking according to the spirit—Rom.8:4.

十 我们若要在聚会中展览基督,就必须在日常生活中照着灵而行,以得着基督─林前十四26,腓三8、12,罗八4。

J. In order to exhibit Christ in the meetings,we must gain Christ in our daily life by walking according to the spirit—1 Cor.14:26; Phil.3:8,12; Rom.8:4.

十一 领头者首先需要在日常生活中照着灵而行,并且帮助其他圣徒进入这种生活─4节,腓三17,来十三7:

K. The leading ones primarily need to walk according to the spirit in their daily life and help other saints to enter into this kind of living—v.4; Phil.3:17; Heb.13:7:

1 领头者需要进入照着灵而行的实际实行。

1. The leading ones need to enter into the actual practice of walking according to the spirit.

2 他们需要帮助人用照着灵而行的个人日常生活,来平衡他们对主团体的享受─腓三17。

2. They need to help others to balance their corporate enjoyment of the Lord with a personal daily life of walking according to the spirit—Phil.3:17.

十二 不住的祷告是照着灵而行的路─帖前五17:L. Unceasing prayer is the way to walk according to the spirit—1 Thes.5:17:>

1 照着灵而行的路是不住的祷告,如同我们不住的呼吸;照着灵而行是我们属灵的呼吸。

1. The way to walk according to the spirit is to pray unceasingly,just as we breathe unceasingly; our walking according to the spirit is our spiritual breathing.

2 我们能借着常常的、不住的、时时的祷告,照着灵而行─路十八1。

2. We can walk according to the spirit by consistent,unceasing,moment-by- moment prayer—Luke 18:1.

叁 我们越照着灵而行,三一神就越活在我们里面,使我们能为着身体生活而活祂─罗八4,十二4~5:

III. The more we walk according to the spirit,the more the Triune God will live in us so that we may live Him for the Body life—Rom.8:4; 12:4-5:

一 当我们每日并时时照着灵而行,三一神作为那灵就有机会安家、安顿在我们里面,并据有、占有我们全人─弗三17上:

A. When we walk according to the spirit daily and moment by moment,the Triune God as the Spirit will have the opportunity to make His home in us,settle down in us,and take possession and occupy our entire being—Eph.3:17a:

1 我们需要照着调和的灵而行,让三一神内住于我们,在我们里面安家,完全占有我们全人,借此我们就活三一神─加四19,罗八4。

1. We need to live the Triune God by allowing Him to indwell us,make His home in us,and take full possession of our being by our walking according to the mingled spirit—Gal.4:19; Rom.8:4.

2 我们所需要作的就是活三一神,其余的事都是我们活三一神的自然结果─约十四19~20,十五4~5。

2. All we need to do is to live the Triune God; everything else will be a spontaneous issue of our living the Triune God—John 14:19-20; 15:4-5.

二 罗马八章启示三一神活在我们里面,使我们得以活祂;这应该是我们基督徒生活的中心点。─引用经文

B. Romans 8 reveals that the Triune God lives in us so that we may live Him; this should be the focus of our Christian life.

三 罗马十二章里基督的身体,来自于八章中照着灵而行的经历:─引用经文

C. The Body of Christ in Romans 12 issues from the experience of walking according to the spirit in Romans 8:

1 基督身体的所有肢体都该是照着灵而行的人─十二4~5,八4。

1. All the members of the Body of Christ should be persons who walk according to the spirit—12:4-5; 8:4.

2 原则上,倘若我们没有照着灵而行,就不可能在实行上有基督的身体;身体生活因着属肉体的行事而被废掉了。

2. In principle,if we do not walk according to the spirit,we cannot practically have the Body of Christ; the Body life is annulled by a fleshly walk.

3 所有的信徒都是基督身体上的肢体,但身体的实行有赖于信徒的行事。

3. All the believers are members of the Body,but the practicality of the Body depends on the believers' walk.

4 我们若真照着灵而行,就会自然在身体生活里─4节,十二4~5。

4. If we truly walk according to the spirit,we will spontaneously be in the Body life—v.4; 12:4-5.

四 我们要看见一件事─主恢复的目标是要恢复基督,祂是三一神的具体化身,作我们的生命;祂也是那灵活在我们里面,使我们成为祂活的肢体,使祂的身体得以建造起来─西二9,三4,林前十五45下,加二20,弗四16。

D. We need to see one thing—that the goal of the Lord's recovery is to recover Christ,who is the embodiment of the Triune God to be our life and who is the Spirit to live within us and make us His living members so that His Body will be built up—Col.2:9; 3:4; 1 Cor.15:45b; Gal.2:20; Eph.4:16.



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