第二篇 在神的建造中并为着神的建造,成为柱子和建造柱子的人

Becoming Pillars and Pillar Builders in and for the Building of God



壹 雅各的梦揭示神渴望在地上得着一个家,祂的心意是要将蒙祂呼召的人变化成为石头─柱子─作祂建造的材料─创二八10~22,太十六18,彼前二4~5,启三12:

I. Jacob's dream unveils that God desires to have a house on earth,and His intention is to transform His called ones into stones,pillars,material for His building—Gen.28:10-22; Matt.16:18; 1 Pet.2:4-5; Rev.3:12:

一 在创世记中有两种柱子─盐柱(十九26),指明羞耻;和石柱(二八18,三五14),指明有力量的建造(王上七21)。─引用经文

A. In the book of Genesis there are two kinds of pillars—the pillar of salt (19:26),which indicates shame,and the pillar of stone (28:18; 35:14),which indicates building in strength (1 Kings 7:21).

二 在创世记二十八章,雅各是一个抓夺的人,但是到了四十八章,这个抓夺的人已经完全变化成为属神的人;这个属神的人就是柱子─二八18、22上,参箴四18。

B. In Genesis 28 Jacob was a supplanter,but by the time we come to chapter 48,this supplanter has been thoroughly transformed into a man of God; this man of God is the pillar—28:18,22a; cf.Prov.4:18.

三 “得胜的,我要叫他在我神殿中作柱子,他也绝不再从那里出去;我又要将我神的名,和我神城的名(这城就是由天上从我神那里降下来的新耶路撒冷),并我的新名,都写在他上面”─启三12、参8:

C. "He who overcomes,him I will make a pillar in the temple of My God,and he shall by no means go out anymore,and I will write upon him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God,the New Jerusalem,which descends out of heaven from My God,and My new name"—Rev.3:12,cf.v.8:

1 “使”这字非常有意义,意指构成一样东西,以创造的方式来构造;主借着变化我们,就是借着带走我们天然的元素,并以祂神圣的素质来顶替,叫我们作柱子─林后三18,罗十二2。

1. The word make is very significant,meaning to constitute into something,to construct in a creative way; the Lord makes us pillars by transforming us,that is,by carrying away our natural element and by replacing it with His divine essence—2 Cor.3:18; Rom.12:2.

2 得胜者在殿中作柱子,意思就是他们要在三一神里作柱子,因为那殿就是“主神全能者和羔羊”─启二一22,参诗九十1,约十四23。

2. For the overcomers to be pillars in the temple means that they will be pillars in the Triune God,for the temple is "the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb"—Rev.21:22; cf.Psa.90:1; John 14:23.

贰 雅各的生活和经历启示出我们能被变化成为神建造之柱子的路:

II. The life and experience of Jacob reveal the way that we can be transformed into pillars for God's building:

一 我们的拣选既是在于神的怜悯,我们就需要持续倚靠祂的怜悯,天天享受祂新的怜悯,好成为蒙怜悯、贵重、荣耀的器皿─罗九11~13、16、21、23,哀三21~24。

A. Since our selection was according to God's mercy,we need to continually depend on His mercy,enjoying His new mercies day by day to become vessels of mercy,honor,and glory—Rom.9:11-13,16,21,23; Lam.3:21-24.

二 我们需要享受祂作全足的神─创四八3,十七1,腓一19。

B. We need to enjoy Him as the All-sufficient God—Gen.48:3; 17:1; Phil.1:19.

三 我们需要享受祂继续不断的牧养,直到我们的末日─“一生牧养我直到今日的神”─创四八15下,启三8。

C. We need to enjoy His continual shepherding until the end of our days—"the God who has shepherded me all my life to this day"—Gen.48:15b; Rev.3:8.

四 我们需要观看神的面(创三二30,林后三18,四6~7),寻求祂的面(诗二七8、4),享受祂的面作我们事奉的供应(出二五30,三三11上),在基督的面前─在祂的人位里─作每一件事,使我们被变化,从荣耀到荣耀(林后二10,参十三14);当三一神分赐到我们里面时,我们就有三一神的面作我们的恩典,也有祂的脸作我们的平安(民六25~26):─引用经文

D. We need to behold God's face (Gen.32:30; 2 Cor.3:18; 4:6-7),seek His face (Psa.27:8,4),enjoy His face as our serving supply (Exo.25:30; 33:11a),doing everything in the face,the person,of Christ for our transformation from glory to glory (2 Cor.2:10; cf.13:14); when the Triune God is dispensed into us,we have the face of the Triune God as our grace and His countenance as our peace (Num.6:25-26):

1 看见神等于得着神而被神构成─伯四二5~7。

1. Seeing God equals gaining God to be constituted with God—Job 42:5-7.

2 看见神使我们变化,因为我们看见神时,就把祂的元素接受到我们里面,我们旧的元素也被排除了─林后三18,罗十二2。

2. Seeing God transforms us because in seeing God,we receive His element into us,and our old element is discharged—2 Cor.3:18; Rom.12:2.

五 在圣经里,柱子是神建造的标记、见证,这建造是在实行身体生活中借着变化而有的─创二八22上,王上七15~22,加二9,提前三15,启三12,罗十二2,弗四11~12:

E. In the Scriptures the pillar is a sign,a testimony,of God's building through transformation in practicing the Body life—Gen.28:22a; 1 Kings 7:15-22; Gal.2:9; 1 Tim.3:15; Rev.3:12; Rom.12:2; Eph.4:11-12:

1 根据创世记二十八章十八节,雅各把所枕的石头立作柱子:─引用经文

1. According to Genesis 28:18,Jacob took the stone that he had made his pillow and set it up for a pillar:

a 石头成为枕头,表征基督神圣的元素借着我们对祂主观的经历,构成到我们这人里面,成为给我们安息的枕头─参太十一28。

a. The stone becoming a pillow signifies that the divine element of Christ constituted into our being through our subjective experience of Him becomes a pillow for our rest—cf.Matt.11:28.

b 枕头成为柱子,表征我们所经历并凭祂得安息的基督,成了神的建造─神的家─的材料和支撑─王上七21,提前三15。

b. The pillow becoming a pillar signifies that the Christ whom we have experienced and on whom we rest becomes the material and the support for God's building,God's house—1 Kings 7:21; 1 Tim.3:15.

2 圣殿的柱子是铜作的,铜表征神的审判─王上七14~15,参约三14:

2. The pillars of the temple were built of bronze,signifying God's judgment—1 Kings 7:14-15; cf.John 3:14:

a 对神有用的人,乃是一直在神的审判之下,领悟他们是在肉体里的人,一无价值,只配死与埋葬─诗五一5,出四1~9,罗七18,太三16~17。

a. Those who are useful to God are constantly under God's judgment,realizing that they are men in the flesh,worthy of nothing but death and burial—Psa.51:5; Exo.4:1-9; Rom.7:18; Matt.3:16-17.

b 我们必须断定自己是一无所是的,只够资格被钉死;我们无论是什么,都是因神的恩,并且劳苦的不是我们,乃是神的恩─林前十五10,加二20,彼前五5~7。

b. We must judge ourselves as nothing and being only qualified to be crucified; whatever we are,we are by the grace of God,and it is not we who labor but the grace of God—1 Cor.15:10; Gal.2:20; 1 Pet.5:5-7.

c 信徒中间的分裂和不结果子,都是因为没有铜,没有什么是经过神审判的;反而有骄傲、自夸、自我表白、自我称义、自我称许、自找借口、自义、定罪别人、规律别人而不牧养并寻找人─太十六24,路九54~55。

c. The reason for both division and fruitlessness among believers is that there is no bronze,nothing of God's judgment; instead,there is pride,self-boasting,self-vindication,self-justification,self-approval,self-excuse,self-righteousness,condemning others,and regulating others instead of shepherding and seeking them—Matt.16:24; Luke 9:54-55.

3 殿里柱子的柱顶有“装修的格子网〔如格子架〕和拧成的链索形成的花圈”;这些表征错综复杂的光景,而那些在神建造中作柱子的人,在其中生活并承担责任─王上七17。

3. On the capitals of the pillars in the temple were "nets of checker work [like a trellis] with wreaths of chain work"; these signify the complicated and intermixed situation in which those who are pillars in God's building live and bear responsibility—1 Kings 7:17.

4 柱顶上有百合花和石榴─18~20节:

4. On the top of the capitals were lilies and pomegranates—vv.18-20:

a 百合花表征信靠神的生活,就是凭神之于我们的所是,不凭我们的所是而过生活;铜的意思是“不是我”,百合花的意思是“乃是基督”─歌二1~2,太六28、30,参林后五4,加二20。

a. Lilies signify a life of faith in God,a life of living by what God is to us,not by what we are; the bronze means "not I," and the lily means "but Christ"—S.S.2:1-2; Matt.6:28,30; cf.2 Cor.5:4; Gal.2:20.

b 柱顶花圈上的石榴,表征那作生命的基督之丰富的丰满、丰盛、美丽和彰显─王上七20,参腓一19~21上。

b. The pomegranates on the wreaths of the capitals signify the fullness,the abundance and beauty,and the expression of the riches of Christ as life—1 Kings 7:20; cf.Phil.1:19-21a.

c 借着格子网的除去和拧成之链索的限制,我们就能过信靠神的单纯、简单生活,彰显基督神圣生命的丰富,为着神在生命里的建造。

c. Through the crossing out of the network and the restriction of the chain work,we can live a pure,simple life of trusting in God to express the riches of the divine life of Christ for God's building in life.

六 按属灵的意义说,柱顶的球乃是见证(数字“二”),指明那些将自己置于神的审判(铜)之下,算自己一无所是的人,能完全(数字“十”)承担责任(数字“五”),并在错综复杂的光景中(装修的格子网和拧成的链索),出自复活的过程(柱顶的底座高三肘),彰显神圣生命的丰富(石榴),因为他们不凭自己活,乃凭神活(百合花)。

F. In spiritual significance the bowls of the capitals are a testimony (two) indicating that those who place themselves under God's judgment (bronze),counting themselves as nothing,are able to bear responsibility (five) in full (ten) and express the riches of the divine life (pomegranates) in the midst of a complicated and intermixed situation (the checker work and chain work) out of the process of resurrection (the base of the capitals,three cubits in height) because they do not live by themselves but by God (lilies).

叁 所罗门,殿的建造者,预表基督(太十二42);户兰,柱子的建造者(王上七13~15),预表新约中有恩赐的人,他们成全圣徒,为着建造基督的身体(弗四8、11~12、16):─引用经文

III. Solomon,the builder of the temple,is a type of Christ (Matt.12:42),and Hiram,the builder of the pillars (1 Kings 7:13-15),is a type of the gifted persons in the New Testament,who perfect the saints for the building up of the Body of Christ (Eph.4:8,11-12,16):

一 建造的工作不是由所罗门直接完成,乃是由所罗门借着户兰完成;这指明基督不是直接建造召会,乃是借着有恩赐的人建造。

A. That the work of building was not done by Solomon directly but by Solomon through Hiram indicates that Christ builds up the church not directly but through the gifted persons.

二 代下二章十四节说到户兰的母亲是“但支派一个妇人”;但支派是拜偶像的支派,使神的百姓绊跌,从神的道上坠落(创四九17);户兰的母亲属于但,这指明户兰的起源和所有的人一样,是有罪的(诗五一5,参约八44上)。─引用经文

B. Second Chronicles 2:14 says that Hiram's mother was "a woman of the daughters of Dan"; the tribe of Dan is the tribe of idolatry that caused God's people to stumble and fall from God's way (Gen.49:17); the fact that Hiram's mother was of Dan indicates that Hiram's origin,like that of all men,was of sin (Psa.51:5; cf.John 8:44a).

三 户兰“是一个寡妇的儿子,属拿弗他利支派,他父亲是推罗人,作铜匠的。户兰满有智慧、悟性、技能,善于作各样铜工”─王上七14:

C. Hiram "was the son of a widow and of the tribe of Naphtali,and his father was a man of Tyre,a bronze worker; and he was full of wisdom and understanding and skill to do all kinds of work in bronze"—1 Kings 7:14:

1 户兰成了一个“属拿弗他利支派”的人(14),拿弗他利支派是复活的支派,也就是变化的支派(创四九21);这表征我们要成为神建造的一部分,并有分于这建造的工作,就需要借着在基督的复活里得重生并变化(彼前一3,林后三15~18),而从“但支派”转到“拿弗他利支派”。─引用经文

1. That Hiram became one who was "of the tribe of Naphtali" (v.14),the tribe of resurrection,that is,of transformation (Gen.49:21),signifies that in order to be a part of God's building and participate in its building work,we need to be transferred from the "tribe of Dan" into the "tribe of Naphtali" by being regenerated and transformed in Christ's resurrection (1 Pet.1:3; 2 Cor.3:15-18).

2 “拿弗他利是被释放的母鹿,他出嘉美的言语”─创四九21:

2. "Naphtali is a hind let loose; / He gives beautiful words"—Gen.49:21:

a 母鹿乃是在无望的情况里信靠神并因神喜乐的人─哈三17~18。

a. A hind is a person who trusts and rejoices in God in a desperate situation—Hab.3:17-18.

b 哈巴谷三章十九节说,“主耶和华是我的力量;祂使我的脚快如母鹿的蹄,又使我稳行在高处。”

b. Habakkuk 3:19 says,"Jehovah the Lord is my strength; / And He makes my feet like hinds' feet / And will cause me to walk on my high places."

c 诗篇二十二篇的标题也提到“朝鹿”,这篇诗说到基督在复活里为着产生召会(22,来二12,歌二8~9);拿弗他利是母鹿的支派,母鹿表征重生并变化过的人,信靠神,行走在山顶,并活在复活里而过召会生活。─引用经文

c. "The hind of the dawn" is also mentioned in the title of Psalm 22,which is on Christ in resurrection for the church (v.22; Heb.2:12; S.S.2:8-9); Naphtali is a tribe of the hind,signifying a regenerated and transformed person who trusts in God,walks on the mountaintops,and lives in resurrection for the church life.

d 拿弗他利是在加利利地(太四15),第一批的使徒都是来自加利利(徒一11);从这些加利利人所出嘉美的言语,就是生命的话(五20),恩典的话(十四3),救恩的话(十三26),智慧的话(林前十二8),知识的话(8),以及建造的话(徒二十32)。─引用经文

d. Naphtali was in the land of Galilee (Matt.4:15),and the first group of apostles came from Galilee (Acts 1:11); the beautiful words that came out of these Galileans were the word of life (5:20),the word of grace (14:3),the word of salvation (13:26),the word of wisdom (1 Cor.12:8),the word of knowledge (v.8),and the word of building (Acts 20:32).

3 推罗是外邦城市,以商业著称;因此,推罗与撒但是一─结二八12、16。

3. Tyre was a Gentile city noted for its commerce; hence,it was one with Satan—Ezek.28:12,16.

4 户兰的父亲是户兰作铜工之技能的源头;然而,他的父亲死了,留下他的母亲,他存在的源头,为寡妇:

4. Hiram's father was the source of Hiram's skill in working with bronze; however,his father died,leaving his mother,the source of his existence,a widow:

a 这表征为着建造召会,就是建造神的居所,我们若要对神有用,就需要取得世俗的学问和技能,但必须让我们的“推罗”父亲(即这些事物的源头)死了。

a. This signifies that in order to be useful to God for the building of the church,God's dwelling place,we need to acquire the secular learning and skills but must allow our "Tyrian" father,the source of these things,to die.

b 不仅如此,我们的“但”母亲必须“成为寡妇”(与属世的源头分开),我们也必须属于“拿弗他利支派”,即变化的支派。

b. Furthermore,our "Danite" mother must be "widowed" (separated from the worldly source),and we must be of the "tribe of Naphtali," the tribe of transformation.

c 因此,我们继续保有学问和技能,却不保有其源头;我们的存在(母亲)不再联于我们属世的来源;而且我们乃是在复活里;摩西和使徒保罗是这原则绝佳的榜样。

c. Thus,we continue to possess the learning and the skills without the source,our existence (mother) is no longer linked to our worldly origin,and we are in resurrection; Moses and the apostle Paul are excellent examples of this principle.

四 户兰从推罗被带往耶路撒冷(王上七13~14),就是建造圣殿之地,到所罗门王那里;耶路撒冷预表召会:─引用经文

D. Hiram was brought from Tyre to King Solomon in Jerusalem (1 Kings 7:13-14),the place where the temple was to be built; Jerusalem typifies the church:

1 今日的所罗门(基督)和神今时的建造,二者都在召会中。

1. Both today's Solomon (Christ) and God's present building are in the church.

2 因此,我们要对神的建造有用,就必须取得世俗的技能,活在复活里,并来到正确的立场,就是召会的立场─启一10~11。

2. Thus,in order to be useful to God for His building,we must gain secular skills,live in resurrection,and come to the proper ground,the ground of the church—Rev.1:10-11.

肆 今日召会的需要是让主得着柱子和建造柱子的人;要应付这种需要,我们都必须向主祷告说,“主,为着你建造的缘故,把我作成柱子和建造柱子的人。”

IV. The need in the church today is for the Lord to gain pillars and pillar builders; in order for this need to be met,we all must pray to the Lord,saying,"Lord,for the sake of Your building,make me a pillar and a pillar builder."



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