第一篇 在召会生活中并为着召会生活,经历神中心的工作并以基督为我们的人位

Experiencing the Central Work of God and Taking Christ as Our Person in and for the Church Life



壹 在召会生活中并为着召会生活,我们需要经历神中心的工作─弗三17上,腓二13:

I. In and for the church life,we need to experience the central work of God—Eph.3:17a; Phil.2:13:

一 神在宇宙中历世历代中心的工作,独一的工作,乃是在基督里将祂自己作到祂所拣选的人里面,使祂自己与他们成为一─加四19,弗三17上,林前六17。

A. God's central work,His unique work,in the universe and throughout all the ages and generations is to work Himself in Christ into His chosen people,making Himself one with them—Gal.4:19; Eph.3:17a; 1 Cor.6:17.

二 神的渴望主要不是为我们作事,乃是要将祂自己作到我们里面─弗三17上。

B. God desires not mainly to do things for us but to work Himself into our being—Eph.3:17a.

三 神的心意是要让基督透彻地作到我们这个人里面;但是在我们属灵的追求中,我们可能并不关心这件事,只顾到自己的意愿─腓二21。

C. God's intention is to have Christ thoroughly worked into our being; however,in our spiritual seeking we may have no concern about this,caring instead only for our intention—Phil.2:21.

四 神的目的乃是要将祂自己作到我们里面,叫祂成为我们里面的成分─弗三11、16~19:

D. God's purpose is to work Himself into us,making Himself our inward elements—Eph.3:11,16-19:

1 这目的乃是宇宙的中心;离了这目的,我们作基督徒就作得没有意思─启四11。

1. This purpose is the center of the universe,and apart from this purpose the Christian life is meaningless—Rev.4:11.

2 神工作的原则乃是要得着人,并借着得着人而有路往前:

2. The principle in God's work is to gain persons and by gaining them to have a way to go on:

a 正确的顺序不是我们先为神作工,乃是神先将祂自己作到我们里面─弗二10,腓二13。

a. The proper priority is not for us to work for God but for God to work Himself into us—Eph.2:10; Phil.2:13.

b 在召会生活里,人远比工作重要─提后二20~22:

b. In the church life the importance of the person far exceeds that of the work—2 Tim.2:20-22:

㈠ 我们所是的比我们所作的更重要。

1) What we are is more important than what we do.

㈡ 我们事奉神,不能超过我们这人所是的。

2) We cannot serve God beyond what we are as a person.

3 属灵的长进在于让神在我们里面得着地位─西二19,弗三17上。

3. Spiritual progress consists in allowing God to gain ground within us—Col.2:19; Eph.3:17a.

五 为着完成神永远的经纶,神需要在基督里将祂自己建造到我们里面,将祂自己在基督里作到我们里面,作我们的生命、我们的性情和我们的构成,使我们在生命和性情上(但不在神格上)成为神─撒下七12~14上,罗一3~4,弗三17上,约十四23,西三10~11:

E. For the fulfillment of God's eternal economy,God needs to build Himself in Christ into our being,working Himself in Christ into us as our life,our nature,and our constitution,to make us God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead—2 Sam.7:12-14a; Rom.1:3-4; Eph.3:17a; John 14:23; Col.3:10-11:

1 我们需要神将基督建造到我们内在的构成里,好叫我们全人被基督重新构成─弗三17上。

1. We need God to build up Christ into our intrinsic constitution so that our entire being will be reconstituted with Christ—Eph.3:17a.

2 基督建造召会,是借着进到我们灵里,又从我们灵里扩展到我们的心思、情感、意志里,占有我们的全魂─太十六18,弗三17上。

2. Christ builds the church by coming into our spirit and spreading Himself from our spirit into our mind,emotion,and will to occupy our entire soul—Matt.16:18; Eph.3:17a.

六 我们与神中心的工作配合,乃是借着灵里贫穷(太五3)与清心(8),以单一的心寻求主(诗二七4),转向主(林后三16),顾到生命的感觉(罗八6),愿意蒙光照(弗一17~18),并且向主敞开我们的全人,使我们能满有神作我们的内容(三16~19)。─引用经文

F. We cooperate with God's central work by being poor in spirit (Matt.5:3) and pure in heart (v.8),seeking the Lord with a single heart (Psa.27:4),turning to the Lord (2 Cor.3:16),caring for the sense of life (Rom.8:6),being willing to be enlightened (Eph.1:17-18),and opening our whole being to the Lord to be filled with God as our content (3:16-19).

贰 在召会生活中并为着召会生活,我们需要以基督为我们的人位─加二20,弗三16~21:

II. In and for the church life,we need to take Christ as our person—Gal.2:20; Eph.3:16-21:

一 神在祂经纶里的心意是要把祂自己作到我们里面,不仅作我们的生命,也作我们的人位─加四19。

A. God's intention in His economy is to work Himself into us not only as our life but also as our person—Gal.4:19.

二 我们重生的灵是里面的人,有内住的基督为其人位─弗三17上:

B. Our regenerated spirit is the inner man with the indwelling Christ as its person—Eph.3:17a:

1 我们若要接受基督作我们的人位,我们就必须看见,我们重生的灵不再仅仅是我们接触神的器官,乃是我们的人位。

1. If we would take Christ as our person,we must see that our regenerated spirit is no longer merely an organ for us to contact God but is our person.

2 在我们里面的人里,我们不仅有基督作我们的生命,也有基督作我们的人位─约壹五11~12,西三4,弗三17上。

2. In our inner man we have Christ not only as our life but also as our person—1 John 5:11-12; Col.3:4; Eph.3:17a.

3 我们里面的人包含我们已更新的魂为其器官,以及我们重生的灵,由基督这人位所内住,为其生命和人位─罗十二2,八10,弗四23,林后四16。

3. Our inner man consists of our renewed soul as its organ and our regenerated spirit indwelt by Christ,the person,as its life and person—Rom.12:2; 8:10; Eph.4:23; 2 Cor.4:16.

4 我们需要以基督为人位,而活在我们的灵这里面的人里─罗八4,林前六17,加二20,弗三17上。

4. We need to live in our spirit as the inner man by taking Christ as our person—Rom.8:4; 1 Cor.6:17; Gal.2:20; Eph.3:17a.

三 我们这些重生的信徒有“我”(己),就是我们先前的人位,也有基督,就是我们的新人位─加二20:

C. As regenerated believers,we have both the "I" (the self ),our former person,and Christ,our new person—Gal.2:20:

1 “我”是在我们的魂里,基督是在我们的灵里─罗八10,提后四22。

1. The "I" is in our soul,but Christ is in our spirit—Rom.8:10; 2 Tim.4:22.

2 “我”是外面的人─旧人─的人位,基督是里面的人─新人─的人位─林后四16。

2. The "I" is the person of the outer man,the old man,and Christ is the person of the inner man,the new man—2 Cor.4:16.

3 “我”这先前的人位已经钉了十字架,基督这新人位在我们里面活着─罗六6,加二20。

3. The "I," the former person,has been crucified,and Christ,the new person,lives in us—Rom.6:6; Gal.2:20.

四 以基督为我们的人位,要求我们否认己,就是我们堕落的人;我们需要否认我们的魂生命,并凭我们的新人位(就是内住的基督)而活─太十六24~25,西一27。

D. To take Christ as our person requires that we deny the self,our fallen person; we need to deny our soul-life and live by our new person,the indwelling Christ—Matt.16:24-25; Col.1:27.

五 我们要以基督为我们的人位,就需要否认我们自己的目的、目标和爱好,而接受祂的目的、目标和爱好─林后五14~15。

E. In order to take Christ as our person,we need to deny our purpose,aim,and preference and take His purpose,aim,and preference—2 Cor.5:14-15.

六 当我们以基督为我们的人位,并且不凭自己活,乃以基督为人位而活,我们就与基督成为一,并且我们作任何事不再照着自己的爱好或口味,乃是照着祂的爱好和口味─15节。

F. When we take Christ as our person and live not by ourselves but by Christ as the person,we become one with Him and no longer do anything according to our preference and taste but do everything according to His preference and taste—v.15.

七 我们要有召会生活,就需要得加强到我们的灵这里面的人里,使基督这活的人位安家在我们心里─弗三16~17上:

G. In order to have the church life,we need to be strengthened into our spirit as the inner man so that Christ,a living person,may make His home in our heart—Eph.3:16-17a:

1 有基督为其人位之里面的人,是为使我们活在召会里─二21~22。

1. The inner man with Christ as its person is for our living in the church—2:21-22.

2 我们需要接受基督不仅作我们灵里的生命,也作我们心里的人位─西三4,一27:

2. We need to take Christ not only as life in our spirit but also as the person in our heart—Col.3:4; 1:27:

a 当基督安家在我们心里,祂就成了我们的人位─弗三17上。

a. When Christ makes His home in our heart,He becomes our person—Eph.3:17a.

b 基督成为我们人位唯一的路,乃是祂安家在我们心里─17节上。

b. The only way for Christ to be our person is for Him to make His home in our heart—v.17a.

c 我们若接受基督作我们的人位,让祂扩展到我们的心里,那活在我们心里的人位就不是自己,乃是基督─加二20。

c. If we take Christ as our person,allowing Him to spread into our heart,the person living in our heart will not be the self but Christ—Gal.2:20.

八 我们若以基督为人位,就会将祂活出作为正确的召会生活─20节:

H. If we take Christ as our person,we will live Him out as the proper church life—v.20:

1 作我们人位的基督,乃是为着召会生活─太十六18。

1. Christ,who is our person,is for the church life—Matt.16:18.

2 基督这活的人位作我们的人位,乃是召会生活的内容─加一1~2、15~16,四19。

2. Christ,a living person as our person,is the content of the church life—Gal.1:1-2,15-16; 4:19.

3 我们若让我们的旧人作人位,就不可能有召会生活─罗六6,加二20:

3. It is not possible to have the church life when we allow our old man to be our person—Rom.6:6; Gal.2:20:

a 我们若要过召会生活却不以基督为人位,就无法与人调在一起。

a. If we want to live the church life but do not take Christ as our person,we cannot be blended with others.

b 除非我们凭基督作人位而活,否则我们就仍是天然的人,按照自己天然的构成、种族的文化、本国的特征或宗教的背景而活─西一27,三4、10~11。

b. Unless we live by Christ as our person,we will remain natural persons,those who are according to their natural constitution,racial culture,national character,or religious background—Col.1:27; 3:4,10-11.

4 正确的召会生活,乃是我们活在里面的人里,以基督为人位的生活─弗三17上,林后四16。

4. The proper church life is a life in which we live in the inner man,taking Christ as our person—Eph.3:17a; 2 Cor.4:16.

5 我们该以基督为人位,让基督活在我们里面,并安家在我们心里,使我们被充满,成为神一切的丰满,好成为召会作基督身体实际的显出─加二20,弗三16~21。

5. We should take Christ as our person and allow Christ to live in us and make His home in our heart so that we may be filled unto all the fullness of God in order to be the practical manifestation of the church as the Body of Christ—Gal.2:20; Eph.3:16-21.



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